Francesco Banfi
Francesco Banfi
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Disentangling the Electronic and Phononic Glue in a High-Tc Superconductor
S Dal Conte, C Giannetti, G Coslovich, F Cilento, D Bossini, T Abebaw, ...
Science 335 (6076), 1600-1603, 2012
Snapshots of the retarded interaction of charge carriers with ultrafast fluctuations in cuprates
S Dal Conte, L Vidmar, D Golež, M Mierzejewski, G Soavi, S Peli, F Banfi, ...
Nature Physics 11 (5), 421-426, 2015
Probing thermomechanics at the nanoscale: impulsively excited pseudosurface acoustic waves in hypersonic phononic crystals
D Nardi, M Travagliati, ME Siemens, Q Li, MM Murnane, HC Kapteyn, ...
Nano letters 11 (10), 4126-4133, 2011
Thermomechanical behavior of surface acoustic waves in ordered arrays of nanodisks studied by near-infrared pump-probe diffraction experiments
C Giannetti, B Revaz, F Banfi, M Montagnese, G Ferrini, F Cilento, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (12), 125413, 2007
Tailored Ag–Cu–Mg multielemental nanoparticles for wide-spectrum antibacterial coating
G Benetti, E Cavaliere, R Brescia, S Salassi, R Ferrando, A Vantomme, ...
Nanoscale 11 (4), 1626-1635, 2019
Non-linear electron photoemission from metals with ultrashort pulses
G Ferrini, F Banfi, C Giannetti, F Parmigiani
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2009
Experimental evidence of above-threshold photoemission in solids
F Banfi, C Giannetti, G Ferrini, G Galimberti, S Pagliara, D Fausti, ...
Physical review letters 94 (3), 037601, 2005
Spectroscopic evidence of in-gap states at the SrTiO3/LaAlO3 ultrathin interfaces
G Drera, F Banfi, FF Canova, P Borghetti, L Sangaletti, F Bondino, ...
Applied physics letters 98 (5), 2011
Pseudosurface acoustic waves in hypersonic surface phononic crystals
D Nardi, F Banfi, C Giannetti, B Revaz, G Ferrini, F Parmigiani
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (10), 104119, 2009
Controlling the quality factor of a single acoustic nanoresonator by tuning its morphology
F Medeghini, A Crut, M Gandolfi, F Rossella, P Maioli, F Vallée, F Banfi, ...
Nano letters 18 (8), 5159-5166, 2018
Photo-enhanced antinodal conductivity in the pseudogap state of high-Tc cuprates
F Cilento, S Dal Conte, G Coslovich, S Peli, N Nembrini, S Mor, F Banfi, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4353, 2014
Design of a surface acoustic wave mass sensor in the 100 GHz range
D Nardi, E Zagato, G Ferrini, C Giannetti, F Banfi
Applied Physics Letters 100 (25), 2012
Bottom-up mechanical nanometrology of granular Ag nanoparticles thin films
G Benetti, C Caddeo, C Melis, G Ferrini, C Giannetti, N Winckelmans, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (40), 22434-22441, 2017
Mechanical properties of Ag nanoparticle thin films synthesized by supersonic cluster beam deposition
S Peli, E Cavaliere, G Benetti, M Gandolfi, M Chiodi, C Cancellieri, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (8), 4673-4681, 2016
Temperonic crystal: A superlattice for temperature waves in graphene
M Gandolfi, C Giannetti, F Banfi
Physical Review Letters 125 (26), 265901, 2020
Accessing temperature waves: A dispersion relation perspective
M Gandolfi, G Benetti, C Glorieux, C Giannetti, F Banfi
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143, 118553, 2019
Early-stage dynamics of metallic droplets embedded in the nanotextured Mott insulating phase of
A Ronchi, P Homm, M Menghini, P Franceschini, F Maccherozzi, F Banfi, ...
Physical Review B 100 (7), 075111, 2019
Emergent ultrafast phenomena in correlated oxides and heterostructures
M Gandolfi, GL Celardo, F Borgonovi, G Ferrini, A Avella, F Banfi, ...
Physica Scripta 92 (3), 034004, 2017
Optical wavelength dependence of photoacoustic signal of gold nanofluid
M Gandolfi, F Banfi, C Glorieux
Photoacoustics 20, 100199, 2020
Ultrafast thermo-optical dynamics of plasmonic nanoparticles
M Gandolfi, A Crut, F Medeghini, T Stoll, P Maioli, F Vallée, F Banfi, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (15), 8655-8666, 2018
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Articles 1–20