Articles amb requisits d'accés públic - Manuel grañaMés informació
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Computer aided diagnosis of schizophrenia on resting state fMRI data by ensembles of ELM
D Chyzhyk, A Savio, M Graña
Neural Networks 68, 23-33, 2015
Requisits: Government of Spain
Face recognition with lattice independent component analysis and extreme learning machines
I Marques, M Graña
Soft Computing 16, 1525-1537, 2012
Requisits: Government of Spain
An endmember-based distance for content based hyperspectral image retrieval
M Grana, MA Veganzones
Pattern Recognition 45 (9), 3472-3489, 2012
Requisits: Government of Spain
Discovering Alzheimer's disease and bipolar disorder white matter effects building computer aided diagnostic systems on brain diffusion tensor imaging features
A Besga, M Termenon, M Graña, J Echeveste, JM Pérez, ...
Neuroscience letters 520 (1), 71-76, 2012
Requisits: Government of Spain
Spatially regularized semisupervised ensembles of extreme learning machines for hyperspectral image segmentation
B Ayerdi, I Marqués, M Graña
Neurocomputing 149, 373-386, 2015
Requisits: Government of Spain
Reinforcement learning of ball screw feed drive controllers
B Fernandez-Gauna, I Ansoategui, I Etxeberria-Agiriano, M Graña
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 30, 107-117, 2014
Requisits: Government of Spain
A panoramic survey on grasping research trends and topics
M Graña, M Alonso, A Izaguirre
Cybernetics and Systems 50 (1), 40-57, 2019
Requisits: Government of Spain
Hyperspectral image analysis by spectral–spatial processing and anticipative hybrid extreme rotation forest classification
B Ayerdi, MG Romay
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (5), 2627-2639, 2015
Requisits: European Commission, Government of Spain
Local activity features for computer aided diagnosis of schizophrenia on resting-state fMRI
A Savio, M Grana
Neurocomputing 164, 154-161, 2015
Requisits: Government of Spain
Hyperspectral image nonlinear unmixing and reconstruction by ELM regression ensemble
B Ayerdi, M Graña
Neurocomputing 174, 299-309, 2016
Requisits: Government of Spain
Lattice independent component analysis feature selection on diffusion weighted imaging for Alzheimer's disease classification
M Termenon, M Grana, A Besga, J Echeveste, A Gonzalez-Pinto
Neurocomputing 114, 132-141, 2013
Requisits: Government of Spain
Arm orthosis/prosthesis movement control based on surface EMG signal extraction
A Suberbiola, E Zulueta, JM Lopez-Guede, I Etxeberria-Agiriano, M Graña
International journal of neural systems 25 (03), 1550009, 2015
Requisits: Government of Spain
Particle swarm optimization quadrotor control for cooperative aerial transportation of deformable linear objects
J Estevez, JM Lopez-Guede, M Graña
Cybernetics and Systems 47 (1-2), 4-16, 2016
Requisits: Government of Spain
Data fusion for high spatial resolution LAI estimation
C Hernández, L Nunes, D Lopes, M Graña
Information Fusion 16, 59-67, 2014
Requisits: Government of Spain
Setting up standards: A methodological proposal for pediatric Triage machine learning model construction based on clinical outcomes
P Wolff, SA Ríos, M Graña
Expert Systems with Applications 138, 112788, 2019
Requisits: Government of Spain
A hybrid time-distributed deep neural architecture for speech emotion recognition
J De Lope, M Grana
International journal of neural systems 32 (06), 2250024, 2022
Requisits: European Commission, Government of Spain
Reinforcement learning endowed with safe veto policies to learn the control of Linked-Multicomponent robotic systems
B Fernandez-Gauna, M Graña, JM Lopez-Guede, I Etxeberria-Agiriano, ...
Information Sciences 317, 25-47, 2015
Requisits: Government of Spain
Neural and statistical predictors for time to readmission in emergency departments: a case study
A Garmendia, M Graña, JM Lopez-Guede, S Rios
Neurocomputing 354, 3-9, 2019
Requisits: Government of Spain
A model for classification of traffic signs using improved convolutional neural network and image enhancement
A Loukmane, M Graña, M Mestari
2020 Fourth International Conference On Intelligent Computing in Data …, 2020
Requisits: European Commission
A novel methodology for clinical semantic annotations assessment
A Moreno-Fernandez-de-Leceta, JM Lopez-Guede, L Ezquerro Insagurbe, ...
Logic Journal of the IGPL 26 (6), 569-580, 2018
Requisits: Government of Spain
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