Articles amb requisits d'accés públic - Stephen MorseMés informació
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Factors influencing the agronomic performance of the adapted yam minisett technique in Nigeria–planting date and gender of the farmer
Experimental Agriculture 54 (1), 1-15, 2018
Requisits: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Sustainable Livelihood Approach in Practice
S Morse, N McNamara, S Morse, N McNamara
Sustainable Livelihood Approach: A Critique of Theory and Practice, 101-154, 2013
Requisits: Department of International Development, UK
Introduction: The Leveraging by and of Social Groups
S Morse, TRSN MacNamara, S Morse, TRSN MacNamara
Social Networks and Food Security in the Urban Fringe, 1-14, 2020
Requisits: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, Department of …
Lessons and the Future
S Morse, TRSN MacNamara, S Morse, TRSN MacNamara
Social Networks and Food Security in the Urban Fringe, 187-205, 2020
Requisits: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia …
Social Groups as Catalysts
S Morse, TRSN MacNamara, S Morse, TRSN MacNamara
Social Networks and Food Security in the Urban Fringe, 151-185, 2020
Requisits: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Department of International Development, UK
Towards Standardising Methods for Reporting the Embodied Energy Content of Aerospace Products
AHS Miah, S Morse, J Goddin, G Moore, KM Morris, J Rogers, ...
SAE International Journal of Aerospace 10 (2017-01-9002), 22-31, 2017
Requisits: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Disponibles en algun lloc: 37
Comparison of phosphorus recovery from incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA) and pyrolysed sewage sludge char (PSSC)
R Kleemann, J Chenoweth, R Clift, S Morse, P Pearce, D Saroj
Waste management 60, 201-210, 2017
Requisits: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
A problem unstuck? Evaluating the effectiveness of sticker prompts for encouraging household food waste recycling behaviour
L Shearer, B Gatersleben, S Morse, M Smyth, S Hunt
Waste management 60, 164-172, 2017
Requisits: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Translation of Earth observation data into sustainable development indicators: An analytical framework
A Andries, S Morse, R Murphy, J Lynch, E Woolliams, J Fonweban
Sustainable Development 27 (3), 366-376, 2019
Requisits: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Environmental management of confectionery products: Life cycle impacts and improvement strategies
JH Miah, A Griffiths, R McNeill, S Halvorson, U Schenker, ...
Journal of cleaner production 177, 732-751, 2018
Requisits: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Seeing sustainability from space: Using Earth observation data to populate the UN sustainable development goal indicators
A Andries, S Morse, RJ Murphy, J Lynch, ER Woolliams
Sustainability 11 (18), 5062, 2019
Requisits: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Using data from earth observation to support sustainable development indicators: An analysis of the literature and challenges for the future
A Andries, S Morse, RJ Murphy, J Lynch, ER Woolliams
Sustainability 14 (3), 1191, 2022
Requisits: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Evaluation of local and national effects of recovering phosphorus at wastewater treatment plants: Lessons learned from the UK
R Kleemann, J Chenoweth, R Clift, S Morse, P Pearce, D Saroj
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 105, 347-359, 2015
Requisits: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
A framework for increasing the availability of life cycle inventory data based on the role of multinational companies
JH Miah, A Griffiths, R McNeill, S Halvorson, U Schenker, ...
The international journal of life cycle assessment 23, 1744-1760, 2018
Requisits: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
A small-scale transdisciplinary process to maximising the energy efficiency of food factories: insights and recommendations from the development of a novel heat integration …
JH Miah, A Griffiths, R McNeill, I Poonaji, R Martin, S Morse, A Yang, ...
Sustainability Science 10, 621-637, 2015
Requisits: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Heat integration in processes with diverse production lines: A comprehensive framework and an application in food industry
JH Miah, A Griffiths, R McNeill, I Poonaji, R Martin, A Yang, S Morse
Applied Energy 132, 452-464, 2014
Requisits: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Maximising the recovery of low grade heat: An integrated heat integration framework incorporating heat pump intervention for simple and complex factories
JH Miah, A Griffiths, R McNeill, I Poonaji, R Martin, A Leiser, S Morse, ...
Applied Energy 160, 172-184, 2015
Requisits: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Creating an environmentally sustainable food factory: A case study of the Lighthouse project at Nestlé
JH Miah, A Griffiths, R McNeill, I Poonaji, R Martin, S Morse, A Yang, ...
Procedia Cirp 26, 229-234, 2015
Requisits: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Assessing education from space: Using satellite Earth Observation to quantify overcrowding in primary schools in rural areas of Nigeria
A Andries, S Morse, RJ Murphy, J Lynch, ER Woolliams
Sustainability 14 (3), 1408, 2022
Requisits: UK Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
Resilience and livelihoods in supply chains (RELISC): An analytical framework for the development and resilience of the UK wood fuel sector
D Emmanuel-Yusuf, S Morse, M Leach
Sustainability 9 (4), 660, 2017
Requisits: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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