Articles amb requisits d'accés públic - Özlem KorayMés informació
No està disponible en cap lloc: 1
The astronomy education in Türkiye with the evaluations of Prof. Dr. Zeki Aslan
YY Çiv, Y Saka, Ö Koray
Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education 11 (3), 500-511, 2022
Requisits: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Disponible en algun lloc: 1
Prof. Dr. Zeki Aslan'ın Değerlendirmeleri ile Türkiye'de Astronomi Eğitimi
YY Çiv, Y Saka, Ö Koray
Cumhuriyet Uluslararası Eğitim Dergisi 11 (3), 500-511, 2022
Requisits: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
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