Agnes Villwock
Agnes Villwock
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When deaf signers read English: Do written words activate their sign translations?
JP Morford, E Wilkinson, A Villwock, P Piñar, JF Kroll
Cognition 118 (2), 286-292, 2011
Word recognition in deaf readers: Cross-language activation of German Sign Language and German
O Kubus, A Villwock, JP Morford, C Rathmann
Applied Psycholinguistics 36 (4), 831-854, 2015
Audio-tactile integration in congenitally and late deaf cochlear implant users
E Nava, D Bottari, A Villwock, I Fengler, A Büchner, T Lenarz, B Röder
PloS one 9 (6), e99606, 2014
Language development in deaf bilinguals: Deaf middle school students co-activate written English and American Sign Language during lexical processing
A Villwock, E Wilkinson, P Piñar, JP Morford
Cognition 211, 104642, 2021
EEG frequency-tagging demonstrates increased left hemispheric involvement and crossmodal plasticity for face processing in congenitally deaf signers
D Bottari, E Bednaya, G Dormal, A Villwock, M Dzhelyova, K Grin, ...
NeuroImage 223, 117315, 2020
The Cortical Organization of Syntactic Processing Is Supramodal: Evidence from American Sign Language
W Matchin, D İlkbaşaran, M Hatrak, A Roth, A Villwock, E Halgren, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 34 (2), 224-235, 2022
Multisensory emotion perception in congenitally, early, and late deaf CI users
I Fengler, E Nava, AK Villwock, A Büchner, T Lenarz, B Röder
PloS one 12 (10), e0185821, 2017
Event-related potential correlates of visuo-tactile motion processing in congenitally deaf humans
A Villwock, D Bottari, B Röder
Neuropsychologia 170, 108209, 2022
Somatosensory processing in deaf and deafblind individuals: How does the brain adapt as a function of sensory and linguistic experience? A critical review
A Villwock, K Grin
Frontiers in Psychology, 6407, 2022
Klöster und ihr Beitrag zur Gehörlosenbildung-eine historische Untersuchung vom frühen Mittelalter bis heute
A Villwock
Das Zeichen 90, 10-27, 2012
Deaf History: Klöster im 16. Und 17. Jahrhundert
A Villwock
Behinderung, 191-194, 2020
Klöster und ihr Beitrag zur Gebärdensprachanwendung und Gehörlosenbildung
AK Villwock
Carolina Plaza-Pust. 2016. Bilingualism and deafness: On language contact in the bilingual acquisition of sign language and written language
A Villwock
Sign Language & Linguistics 22 (2), 303-311, 2019
Face processing in congenitally deaf signers as revealed by fast periodic visual stimulation
E Bednaya, D Bottari, G Dormal, A Villwock, M Dzhelyova, K Grin, ...
Intra-and multisensory interactions in congenitally deaf CI users
I Fengler, D Bottari, S Sourav, A Villwock, B Röder
SFN, 2016
Visuo-tactile motion processing in congenitally deaf humans
A Villwock, D Bottari, B Röder
SFN, 2016
Neuroplasticity as a consequence of congenital deafness: visual, tactile, and multisensory processing
AK Villwock
Universität Hamburg, 2016
Word recognition in ASL-English bilinguals: Effects of L2 proficiency on cross-language activation
E Wilkinson, A Villwock, R Bailey, J Morford, J Kroll, P Piñar
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