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Preparation and characterization of a novel cocrystal explosive
JP Shen, XH Duan, QP Luo, Y Zhou, Q Bao, YJ Ma, CH Pei
Crystal Growth & Design 11 (5), 1759-1765, 2011
Core–Shell Al‐Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Configurations to Enhance Reaction Kinetics and Energy Performance for Nanoenergetic Materials
J Wang, Z Qiao, Y Yang, J Shen, Z Long, Z Li, X Cui, G Yang
Chemistry–A European Journal 22 (1), 279-284, 2016
Direct writing of a 90 wt% particle loading nanothermite
H Wang, J Shen, DJ Kline, N Eckman, NR Agrawal, T Wu, P Wang, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (23), 1806575, 2019
A promising strategy to obtain high energy output and combustion properties by self-activation of nano-Al
J Wang, Y Qu, F Gong, J Shen, L Zhang
Combustion and Flame 204, 220-226, 2019
Preparation and characterization of insensitive HMX/graphene oxide composites
R Li, J Wang, JP Shen, C Hua, GC Yang
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 38 (6), 798-804, 2013
Facile, continuous and large-scale synthesis of CL-20/HMX nano co-crystals with high-performance by ultrasonic spray-assisted electrostatic adsorption method
B Gao, D Wang, J Zhang, Y Hu, J Shen, J Wang, B Huang, Z Qiao, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (47), 19969-19974, 2014
Highly exothermic and superhydrophobic Mg/fluorocarbon core/shell nanoenergetic arrays
X Zhou, D Xu, G Yang, Q Zhang, J Shen, J Lu, K Zhang
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (13), 10497-10505, 2014
Fast deflagration to detonation transition of energetic material based on a quasi-core/shell structured nanothermite composite
Z Qiao, J Shen, J Wang, B Huang, Z Yang, G Yang, K Zhang
Composites Science and Technology 107, 113-119, 2015
Bottom‐up fabrication of single‐layered nitrogen‐doped graphene quantum dots through intermolecular carbonization arrayed in a 2D plane
R Li, Y Liu, Z Li, J Shen, Y Yang, X Cui, G Yang
Chemistry–A European Journal 22 (1), 272-278, 2016
Fluorocarbon thin film with superhydrophobic property prepared by pyrolysis of hexafluoropropylene oxide
J Wang, X Song, J Shen, G Yang, H Huang
Applied Surface Science 258 (24), 9782-9785, 2012
Reaction Mechanism of Al-CuO Nanothermites with Addition of Multilayer Graphene
Jinpeng Shen, Zhiqiang Qiao, Jun Wang, Guangcheng Yang, J. Chen, Z. Li, X ...
Thermochimica Acta 666, 60-65, 2018
Effects of nano-Ag on the combustion process of Al–CuO metastable intermolecular composite
J Shen, Z Qiao, K Zhang, J Wang, R Li, H Xu, G Yang, F Nie
Applied thermal engineering 62 (2), 732-737, 2014
Combustion of 3D printed 90 wt% loading reinforced nanothermite
J Shen, H Wang, DJ Kline, Y Yang, X Wang, M Rehwoldt, T Wu, ...
Combustion and Flame 215, 86-92, 2020
Nitrated bacterial cellulose-based energetic nanocomposites as propellants and explosives for military applications
L Chen, X Cao, J Gao, W He, J Liu, Y Wang, X Zhou, J Shen, B Wang, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 (2), 1906-1915, 2021
Three-dimensional network structure nitramine gun propellant with nitrated bacterial cellulose
Y Wang, L Jiang, J Dong, B Li, J Shen, L Chen, Y Fu, W He
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (6), 15094-15101, 2020
Microstructured Al/Fe2O3/Nitrocellulose Energetic Fibers Realized by Electrospinning
R Li, H Xu, H Hu, G Yang, J Wang, J Shen
Journal of Energetic Materials 32 (1), 50-59, 2014
Influence of Carbon Nanofibers on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of NC‐TEGDN‐RDX Triple‐Base Gun Propellants
J Shen, Z Liu, B Xu, H Liang, Y Zhu, X Liao, Z Wang
Propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics 44 (3), 355-361, 2019
Pressure loss and compensation in the combustion process of Al–CuO nanoenergetics on a microheater chip
J Shen, Z Qiao, J Wang, K Zhang, R Li, F Nie, G Yang
Combustion and Flame 161 (11), 2975-2981, 2014
Controlled synthesis of Co 3 O 4 single-crystalline nanofilms enclosed by (111) facets and their exceptional activity for the catalytic decomposition of ammonium perchlorate
J Wang, Z Qiao, L Zhang, J Shen, R Li, G Yang, F Nie
CrystEngComm 16 (37), 8673-8677, 2014
Tuning the thermal, mechanical, and combustion properties of NC-TEGDN-RDX propellants via incorporation of graphene nanoplates
J Shen, Z Liu, B Xu, F Chen, Y Zhu, Y Fu, DJ Kline, X Liao, Z Wang
Journal of energetic materials 38 (3), 326-335, 2020
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