Hoang Nguyen
The use of the node-based smoothed finite element method to estimate static and seismic bearing capacities of shallow strip footings
HC Nguyen
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2021
An implicit 3D nodal integration based PFEM (N-PFEM) of natural temporal stability for dynamic analysis of granular flow and landslide problems
Y Zhang, X Zhang, H Nguyen, X Li, L Wang
Computers and Geotechnics 159, 105434, 2023
Discrete element method analysis of small-strain stiffness under anisotropic stress states
HC Nguyen, C O'Sullivan, M Otsubo
Géotechnique Letters 8 (3), 183-189, 2018
A stable CS-FEM for the static and seismic stability of a single square tunnel in the soil where the shear strength increases linearly with depth
HC Nguyen
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2022
Calculation of seismic bearing capacity of shallow strip foundations using the cell-based smoothed finite element method
HC Nguyen
Acta Geotechnica 17 (8), 3567-3590, 2022
A mixed formulation of limit analysis for seismic slope stability
HC Nguyen
Géotechnique Letters, 2023
Seismic stability of circular tunnel in cohesive-frictional soils using a stable node-based smoothed finite element method
HC Nguyen
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2022
Bearing capacity of footing strip resting on slope using upper bound limit analysis
HC Nguyen
The International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development …, 2012
Upper bound analysis of seismic stability of tunnels using cell-based smoothed finite element
HC Nguyen
IS-Cambridge 2020, 2020
The use of adaptive smoothed finite-element limit analysis to seismic stability of tunnels
HC Nguyen
IS-Cambridge 2020, 2020
Safety factor and failure mechanism in geotechnical engineering: a numerical study
HC Nguyen
Advances in Computer Methods and Geomechanics, 121-129, 2020
Linking macro-scale yielding and micro-scale response
H Nguyen, C O'Sullivan
E3S Web of Conferences 92, 14008, 2019
An appraisal of the influence of material fabric and stress anisotropy on small-strain stiffness
H Nguyen, M Otsubo, C O’Sullivan
EPJ web of conferences 140, 12005, 2017
Estimation of bearing capacity and failure mechanism of strip footing using upper bound limit analysis
HC Nguyen
The 1st International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering in …, 2011
Discrete element method analysis of non-linear stiffness for granular media
HC Nguyen
Computers and Geotechnics 145, 104679, 2022
Micromechanics of shear wave propagation and non-linear stiffness of granular materials
HC Nguyen
Imperial College London, 2020
Evolution of the coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest with interparticle friction: a numerical study
HC Nguyen
EPJ Web of Conferences 249, 08015, 2021
A mixed smoothed finite element limit analysis formulation for static and seismic collapse loads
HC Nguyen, X Zhang, M Nazem
Acta Geotechnica, 2024
Deep-learning surrogate models for the stability of a wide rectangular tunnel
HC Nguyen, H Xu, M Nazem, R Sousa, J Kowalski, Q Zhao
Computers and Geotechnics, 2024
Gaussian process emulator for the stability of spatially variable slopes
HC Nguyen, J Kowalski, R Sousa
9th International Symposium for Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR), Oslo …, 2024
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