Dimitris Manolas
Dimitris Manolas
Partner at iWind Renewables PC
E-mailová adresa ověřena na:
Offshore code comparison collaboration continuation within IEA wind task 30: Phase II results regarding a floating semisubmersible wind system
A Robertson, J Jonkman, F Vorpahl, W Popko, J Qvist, L Frøyd, X Chen, ...
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45547 …, 2014
Offshore code comparison collaboration continuation (OC4), phase 1-results of coupled simulations of an offshore wind turbine with jacket support structure
W Popko, F Vorpahl, A Zuga, M Kohlmeier, J Jonkman, A Robertson, ...
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-12-117, 2012
Assessing the importance of geometric nonlinear effects in the prediction of wind turbine blade loads
DI Manolas, VA Riziotis, SG Voutsinas
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 10 (4), 041008, 2015
Modeling of material bend-twist coupling on wind turbine blades
T Bagherpour, XM Li, DI Manolas, VA Riziotis
Composite Structures 193, 237-246, 2018
Hydro-servo-aero-elastic analysis of floating offshore wind turbines
DI Manolas, VA Riziotis, GP Papadakis, SG Voutsinas
Fluids 5 (4), 200, 2020
Numerical and experimental studies of a multi-purpose floating TLP structure for combined wind and wave energy exploitation
T Mazarakos, D Konispoliatis, G Katsaounis, S Polyzos, D Manolas, ...
Mediterranean Marine Science 20 (4), 745-763, 2019
Aeroelastic analysis of pre-curved rotor blades
VA Riziotis, SG Voutsinas, DI Manolas, ES Politis, PK Chaviaropoulos
Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (EWEC’10), 76, 2010
Optimized blade mass reduction of a 10MW-scale wind turbine via combined application of passive control techniques based on flap-edge and bend-twist coupling effects
GP Serafeim, DI Manolas, VA Riziotis, PK Chaviaropoulos, DA Saravanos
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 225, 105002, 2022
REFOS: a renewable energy multi-purpose floating offshore system
DN Konispoliatis, GM Katsaounis, DI Manolas, TH Soukissian, S Polyzos, ...
Energies 14 (11), 3126, 2021
Vertical wake deflection for floating wind turbines by differential ballast control
EM Nanos, CL Bottasso, S Tamaro, DI Manolas, VA Riziotis
Wind Energy Science 7 (4), 1641-1660, 2022
Active load alleviation potential of adaptive wind turbine blades using shape memory alloy actuators
AA Karakalas, DI Manolas, TT Machairas, VA Riziotis, DA Saravanos
Wind Energy 22 (5), 620-637, 2019
Modelling of an offshore multi-purpose floating structure supporting a wind turbine including second-order wave loads
T Mazarakos, DN Konispoliatis, D Manolas, S Voutsinas, SA Mavrakos
11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Nantes, France, 7-10, 2015
Design Solutions for 10 MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
J Azcona, F Vittori, U Schmidt, F Svanije, G Kapogiannis, X Karvelas, ...
INNWIND. EU, Deliverable D 4, 37, 2017
Hydro-aero-elastic analysis of offshore wind turbines
DI Manolas
Conceptual design and advanced hydro-aero-elastic modeling of a TLP concept for floating wind turbine applications
TP Mazarakos, D Manolas, T Grapsas, SA Mavrakos, VA Riziotis, ...
1st International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2014), 24-26, 2014
Assessment of load reduction capabilities using passive and active control methods on a 10MW-scale wind turbine
DI Manolas, GP Serafeim, PK Chaviaropoulos, VA Riziotis, SG Voutsinas
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1037 (3), 032042, 2018
Assessment of 3D aerodynamic effects on the behaviour of floating wind turbines
D Manolas, V Riziotis, S Voutsinas
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 555 (1), 012067, 2014
Free-wake aeroelastic modelling of swept rotor blades
VA Riziotis, DI Manolas, SG Voutsinas
EWEA, editor, 2011
Simulation of oscillating trailing edge flaps on wind turbine blades using ranging fidelity tools
JM Prospathopoulos, VA Riziotis, E Schwarz, T Barlas, ...
Wind Energy 24 (4), 357-378, 2021
Exploiting the limit of BEM solvers in moonpool type floaters
D Ntouras, D Manolas, G Papadakis, V Riziotis
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1618 (5), 052059, 2020
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