Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo
Perkembangan peserta didik
M Sitorus
Perdana Publishing, 2012
Pengembangan e-modul ipa berbasis problem based learning untuk meningkatkan literasi sains siswa
F Kimianti, ZK Prasetyo
Kwangsan: Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan 7 (2), 91-103, 2019
Model pendidikan karakter terintegrasi dalam pembelajaran dan pengembangan kultur sekolah
D Zuchdi, ZK Prasetya, MS Masruri
Yogyakarta: Multi Presindo, 2013
Pembelajaran sains berbasis kearifan lokal
PZ Kun
Seminar Nasional Fisika dan Pendidikan Fisika Ke-3 2013, 2013
Pembalajaran sains
S Fatonah, ZK Prasetyo
Penerbit Ombak, 2014
Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran sains terpadu untuk meningkatkan kognitif, keterampilan proses, kreativitas serta menerapkan konsep ilmiah peserta didik SMP
ZK Prasetyo, W Senam
Program Pascasarjana UNY, 2011
The development of science domain based learning tool which is integrated with local wisdom to improve science process skill and scientific attitude
A Dwianto, I Wilujeng, ZK Prasetyo, IGP Suryadarma
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 6 (1), 2017
The development of an instrument to measure the higher order thinking skill in physics
S Ramadhan, D Mardapi, ZK Prasetyo, HB Utomo
European Journal of Educational Research 8 (3), 743-751, 2019
Pengaruh kepemilikan institusional, kepemilikan manajerial dan proporsi dewan komisaris independen terhadap tax avoidance
I Prasetyo, BA Pramuka
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis, dan Akuntansi 20 (2), 2018
Elaborating indigenous knowledge in the science curriculum for the cultural sustainability
I Wilujeng, ZK Prasetyo
Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability 20 (2), 74-88, 2018
Project-based science learning and pre-service teachers' science literacy skill and creative thinking
KC Suryandari, S Fatimah, S Sajidan, SB Rahardjo, ZK Prasetyo
Cakrawala Pendidikan, 267314, 2018
Online interactive multimedia oriented to HOTS through e-learning on physics material about electrical circuit
SW Widyaningsih, I Yusuf, ZK Prasetyo, E Istiyono
JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia) 9 (1), 1-14, 2020
Kapita selekta pembelajaran fisika
ZK Prasetyo
Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka, 2004
Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Ipa Berbasis Model Project Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Kolaborasi Dan Komunikasi Peserta Didik Kelas Vii Development …
KA Sari, ZK Prasetyo, WS Wibowo
Jurnal TPACK IPA 6 (8), 461-467, 2017
Pemberdayaan keterampilan argumentasi mendorong pemahaman konsep siswa
V Viyanti, C Cari, W Sunarno, ZK Prasetyo
Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran Fisika 7 (1), 43-48, 2016
The Development of the HOTS Test of Physics Based on Modern Test Theory: Question Modeling through E-Learning of Moodle LMS.
SW Widyaningsih, I Yusuf, ZK Prasetyo, E Istiyono
International Journal of Instruction 14 (4), 51-68, 2021
Tri N (Niteni, Niroake, Nambahake) Dalam Mengembangkan Kreativitas Siswa Sekolah Dasar
AF Nisa, ZK Prasetyo, I Istiningsih
El Midad: Jurnal Jurusan PGMI 11 (2), 101-116, 2019
Building an indigenous learning community through lesson study: challenges of secondary school science teachers
RD Handayani, I Wilujeng, ZK Prasetyo, Triyanto
International Journal of Science Education 41 (3), 281-296, 2019
Measuring teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge using many-facet rasch model
M Maryati, ZK Prasetyo, I Wilujeng, B Sumintono
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan 38 (3), 452-464, 2019
Effectiveness of STEAM-based blended learning on students’ critical and creative thinking skills
AS Putri, ZK Prasetyo, LA Purwastuti, AK Prodjosantoso, H Putranta
Int J Eval & Res Educ ISSN 2252 (8822), 8822, 2023
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