Články se zplnomocněním k veřejnému přístupu - Joyoung LeeDalší informace
Nedostupné nikde: 3
A two-tier edge computing based model for advanced traffic detection
A Kiani, G Liu, H Shi, A Khreishah, N Ansari, JY Lee, C Liu
2018 Fifth International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems …, 2018
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Calibrating communication simulator for connected vehicle applications
P Su, J Lee, BB Park
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (1), 55-65, 2016
Zplnomocnění: US Department of Transportation
Smart Arrival Notification System for Americans with Disabilities Act Passenger Paratransit Service with a Consumer Mobile Device
S Gutesa, B Dimitrijevic, J Lee, Y Zhang, C Feeley, L Spasovic
Transportation Research Record 2650 (1), 33-40, 2017
Zplnomocnění: US Department of Transportation
Dostupné někde: 12
Optimal control for speed harmonization of automated vehicles
AA Malikopoulos, S Hong, BB Park, J Lee, S Ryu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (7), 2405-2417, 2018
Zplnomocnění: US Department of Energy
Smart traffic monitoring system using computer vision and edge computing
G Liu, H Shi, A Kiani, A Khreishah, J Lee, N Ansari, C Liu, MM Yousef
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (8), 12027-12038, 2021
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
A Distributed Intersection Management Protocol for Safety, Efficiency, and Driver’s Comfort
G Liang, X ., Yan, T ., Lee, J., and Wang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Traffic Flow Characteristics and Lane Use Strategies for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Conditions
L Zhong, Z., Lee, J., Zhao
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2021, 2021
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Development and evaluation of speed harmonization using optimal control theory: A simulation-based case study at a speed reduction zone 2
S Hong, AA Malikopoulos, J Lee, BB Park
Proc. Annu. Meeting Transp. Res. Board (TRB) 1, 1-30, 2017
Zplnomocnění: US Department of Energy
Virtual Guide Dog: Next Generation Pedestrian Signal for the Visually Impaired.
Z Zhong, J Lee
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 12 (3), 2020
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Semi-decentralized inference in heterogeneous graph neural networks for traffic demand forecasting: An edge-computing approach
M Nazzal, A Khreishah, J Lee, S Angizi, A Al-Fuqaha, M Guizani
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2024
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Development and Evaluation of Traffic Count Sensor with Low-Cost Light-Detection and Ranging and Continuous Wavelet Transform: Initial Results
R Jagirdar, J Lee, K Kim, MW Kang
Transportation Research Record 2673 (11), 209-219, 2019
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Development and evaluation of cooperative intersection management algorithm under connected and automated vehicles environment
S Gutesa, J Lee, D Besenski
Transportation research record 2675 (7), 94-104, 2021
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Impact assessments of automated truck platooning on highway traffic flow and adjacent drivers
LN Spasovic, D Bensenski, J Lee
Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation, 2019
Zplnomocnění: US Department of Transportation
Develop and pilot test smart phone/tablet app for paratransit demand-response passenger pick-up alerts to assist passengers with disabilities and reduce no-shows and dwell times.
C Feeley, LN Spasovic, B Dimitrijevic, J Lee
Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation, 2016
Zplnomocnění: US Department of Transportation
Field Implementation Feasibility Study of Cumulative Travel-Time Responsive Intersection Control Algorithm under Connected Vehicle Technology
S Choi, BB Park, J Lee
Connected Vehicle/Infrastructure University Transportation Center (CVI-UTC), 2016
Zplnomocnění: US Department of Transportation
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