Články se zplnomocněním k veřejnému přístupu - MGM HuninkDalší informace
Nedostupné nikde: 9
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and early exit from paid employment in Europe; the impact of work-related factors
TA Kouwenhoven-Pasmooij, A Burdorf, JW Roos-Hesselink, MGM Hunink, ...
International journal of cardiology 215, 332-337, 2016
Zplnomocnění: US National Institutes of Health, Netherlands Organisation for Health …
Cost-effectiveness of endovascular therapy for acute ischemic stroke: a systematic review of the impact of patient age
WG Kunz, MG Hunink, K Dimitriadis, T Huber, F Dorn, FG Meinel, ...
Radiology 288 (2), 518-526, 2018
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
The role of imaging specialists as authors of systematic reviews on diagnostic and interventional imaging and its impact on scientific quality: report from the EuroAIM Evidence …
F Sardanelli, H Bashir, D Berzaczy, G Cannella, A Espeland, N Flor, ...
Radiology 272 (2), 533-540, 2014
Zplnomocnění: UK Medical Research Council, Netherlands Organisation for Health Research …
Long-term follow-up of a randomized clinical trial comparing endovascular revascularization plus supervised exercise with supervised exercise only for intermittent claudication
S Klaphake, F Fakhry, EV Rouwet, L van der Laan, JJ Wever, JA Teijink, ...
Annals of Surgery 276 (6), e1035-e1043, 2022
Zplnomocnění: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Netherlands Organisation for Health …
Selection for early surgery in asymptomatic mitral regurgitation: a Markov model
TH Marwick, PA Scuffham, MGM Hunink
International journal of cardiology 165 (2), 266-272, 2013
Zplnomocnění: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Post-operative surveillance for somatotroph, lactotroph and non-functional pituitary adenomas after curative resection: a systematic review
L Caulley, J Whelan, M Khoury, D Mavedatnia, N Sahlollbey, L Amrani, ...
Pituitary 26 (1), 73-93, 2023
Zplnomocnění: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Evidence-based medicine in otolaryngology, part XI: modeling and analysis to support decisions
L Caulley, MG Hunink, GW Randolph, JJ Shin
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 164 (3), 462-472, 2021
Zplnomocnění: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Cohort state-transition models in R: A tutorial
F Alarid-Escudero, E Krijkamp, E Enns, A Yang, M Hunink, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.07824, 2020
Zplnomocnění: US National Institutes of Health, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Prognostic value of cardiac computed tomography angiography
TSS Genders, A Dedic, K Nieman, MGM Hunink
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 57 (25), 2543-2544, 2011
Zplnomocnění: US National Institutes of Health
Dostupné někde: 71
Heart disease and stroke statistics—2013 update: a report from the American Heart Association
AS Go, D Mozaffarian, VL Roger, EJ Benjamin, JD Berry, WB Borden, ...
circulation 127 (1), e6-e245, 2013
Zplnomocnění: US National Institutes of Health
Ankle brachial index combined with Framingham Risk Score to predict cardiovascular events and mortality: a meta-analysis
Ankle Brachial Index Collaboration
JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association 300 (2), 197, 2008
Zplnomocnění: US National Institutes of Health
Large-scale association analyses identify new loci influencing glycemic traits and provide insight into the underlying biological pathways
RA Scott, V Lagou, RP Welch, E Wheeler, ME Montasser, J Luan, R Mägi, ...
Nature genetics 44 (9), 991-1005, 2012
Zplnomocnění: Swiss National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, John D …
Natural language processing in radiology: a systematic review
E Pons, LMM Braun, MGM Hunink, JA Kors
Radiology 279 (2), 329-343, 2016
Zplnomocnění: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Meta-analysis of individual-patient data from EVAR-1, DREAM, OVER and ACE trials comparing outcomes of endovascular or open repair for abdominal aortic aneurysm over 5 years
JT Powell, MJ Sweeting, P Ulug, JD Blankensteijn, FA Lederle, ...
Journal of British Surgery 104 (3), 166-178, 2017
Zplnomocnění: British Heart Foundation, UK Medical Research Council, National Institute …
An international validation study of the EORTC brain cancer module (EORTC QLQ-BN20) for assessing health-related quality of life and symptoms in brain cancer patients
MJB Taphoorn, L Claassens, NK Aaronson, C Coens, M Mauer, D Osoba, ...
European Journal of Cancer 46 (6), 1033-1040, 2010
Zplnomocnění: US National Institutes of Health
Sex differences in lifetime risk and first manifestation of cardiovascular disease: prospective population based cohort study
MJG Leening, BS Ferket, EW Steyerberg, M Kavousi, JW Deckers, ...
Bmj 349, 2014
Zplnomocnění: European Commission, Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and …
Meta-analysis evaluating music interventions for anxiety and pain in surgery
AYR Kühlmann, A De Rooij, LF Kroese, M Van Dijk, MGM Hunink, ...
Journal of British Surgery 105 (7), 773-783, 2018
Zplnomocnění: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Endovascular revascularization and supervised exercise for peripheral artery disease and intermittent claudication: a randomized clinical trial
F Fakhry, S Spronk, L van der Laan, JJ Wever, JAW Teijink, WH Hoffmann, ...
Jama 314 (18), 1936-1944, 2015
Zplnomocnění: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Effectiveness of prophylactic implantation of cardioverter-defibrillators without cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with ischaemic or non-ischaemic heart disease: a …
DAMJ Theuns, T Smith, MGM Hunink, GH Bardy, L Jordaens
Europace 12 (11), 1564-1570, 2010
Zplnomocnění: US National Institutes of Health
Calcium imaging and selective computed tomography angiography in comparison to functional testing for suspected coronary artery disease: the multicentre, randomized CRESCENT trial
M Lubbers, A Dedic, A Coenen, T Galema, J Akkerhuis, T Bruning, ...
European heart journal 37 (15), 1232-1243, 2016
Zplnomocnění: Dutch Heart Foundation
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