Články se zplnomocněním k veřejnému přístupu - Charles GasserDalší informace
Nedostupné nikde: 1
Development and evolution of the unique ovules of flowering plants
CS Gasser, DJ Skinner
Current topics in developmental biology 131, 373-399, 2019
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Dostupné někde: 9
ETTIN (ARF3) physically interacts with KANADI proteins to form a functional complex essential for integument development and polarity determination in Arabidopsis
DR Kelley, A Arreola, TL Gallagher, CS Gasser
Development 139 (6), 1105-1109, 2012
Zplnomocnění: US National Institutes of Health
Ancestral expression patterns and evolutionary diversification of YABBY genes in angiosperms
T Yamada, S Yokota, Y Hirayama, R Imaichi, M Kato, CS Gasser
The Plant Journal 67 (1), 26-36, 2011
Zplnomocnění: British Heart Foundation
Roles of polarity determinants in ovule development
DR Kelley, DJ Skinner, CS Gasser
The Plant Journal 57 (6), 1054-1064, 2009
Zplnomocnění: US National Institutes of Health
Gene regulation in parthenocarpic tomato fruit
F Martinelli, SL Uratsu, RL Reagan, Y Chen, D Tricoli, O Fiehn, DM Rocke, ...
Journal of experimental botany 60 (13), 3873-3890, 2009
Zplnomocnění: US National Institutes of Health
CORONA, PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA collaborate with BELL1 to confine WUSCHEL expression to the nucellus in Arabidopsis ovules
T Yamada, Y Sasaki, K Hashimoto, K Nakajima, CS Gasser
Development 143 (3), 422-426, 2016
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Integument Development in Arabidopsis Depends on Interaction of YABBY Protein INNER NO OUTER with Coactivators and Corepressors
MK Simon, DJ Skinner, TL Gallagher, CS Gasser
Genetics 207 (4), 1489-1500, 2017
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Conservation of the role of INNER NO OUTER in development of unitegmic ovules of the Solanaceae despite a divergence in protein function
DJ Skinner, RH Brown, RK Kuzoff, CS Gasser
BMC Plant Biology 16, 1-12, 2016
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Functional conservation of the grapevine candidate gene INNER NO OUTER for ovule development and seed formation
V di Rienzo, Z Imanifard, I Mascio, CS Gasser, DJ Skinner, CL Pierri, ...
Horticulture research 8, 2021
Zplnomocnění: Government of Italy
The Arabidopsis INNER NO OUTER (INO) gene acts exclusively and quantitatively in regulation of ovule outer integument development
DJ Skinner, T Dang, CS Gasser
Plant direct 7 (2), e485, 2023
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
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