Články se zplnomocněním k veřejnému přístupu - Guy GrossmanDalší informace
Dostupné někde: 20
Centralized sanctioning and legitimate authority promote cooperation in humans
D Baldassarri, G Grossman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (27), 11023-11027, 2011
Zplnomocnění: US National Institutes of Health
The Impact of Elections on Cooperation: Evidence from a Lab‐in‐the‐Field Experiment in Uganda
G Grossman, D Baldassarri
American Journal of Political Science 56 (4), 964-985, 2012
Zplnomocnění: US National Institutes of Health
The Effect of Group Attachment and Social Position on Prosocial Behavior. Evidence from Lab-in-the-Field Experiments
D Baldassarri, G Grossman
Plos One 8 (3), e58750, 2013
Zplnomocnění: US National Institutes of Health
Community policing does not build citizen trust in police or reduce crime in the Global South
G Blair, J Weinstein, F Christia, E Arias, E Badran, RA Blair, A Cheema, ...
Science 374 (6571), eabd3446, 2021
Zplnomocnění: Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
Crowdsourcing accountability: ICT for service delivery
G Grossman, MR Platas, J Rodden
World Development 112, 74-87, 2018
Zplnomocnění: US Agency for International Development
Border Walls and Smuggling Spillovers
A Getmansky, G Grossman, AL Wright
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 14 (3), 329-347, 2019
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Information technology and political engagement: Mixed evidence from Uganda
G Grossman, M Humphreys, G Sacramone-Lutz
Journal of Politics 82 (4), 1321-1336, 2019
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Inclusive Refugee-Hosting in Uganda Improves Local Development and Prevents Public Backlash
YY Zhou, G Grossman, S Ge
World Development 166, 106203, 2023
Zplnomocnění: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, Department of …
It Takes a Village: Peer Effects and Externalities in Technology Adoption
R Ferrali, G Grossman, MR Platas, J Rodden
American Journal of Political Science 64 (3), 536-553, 2019
Zplnomocnění: US Agency for International Development
Public trust, policing, and the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from an electoral authoritarian regime
RA Blair, T Curtice, D Dow, G Grossman
Social Science & Medicine 305, 115045, 2022
Zplnomocnění: Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
Viral Voting: Social Networks and Political Participation
N Eubank, G Grossman, M Platas, J Rodden
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 16 (3), 265-284, 2021
Zplnomocnění: US Agency for International Development
The Effect of Sustained Transparency on Electoral Accountability
G Grossman, K Michelitch, C Prato
American Journal of Political Science 68 (3), 1022-1040, 2024
Zplnomocnění: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
RA Blair, G Grossman, AM Wilke
Zplnomocnění: Department of International Development, UK
Can low-cost, scalable, online interventions increase youth informed political participation in electoral authoritarian contexts?
R Ferrali, G Grossman, H Larreguy
Science Advances 9 (26), eadf1222, 2023
Zplnomocnění: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Who Registers? Village Networks, Household Dynamics, and Voter Registration in Rural Uganda
R Ferrali, G Grossman, MR Platas, J Rodden
Comparative Political Studies 55 (6), 899-932, 2022
Zplnomocnění: US Agency for International Development
The electoral consequences of cellphone coverage expansion
G Grossman, K Kosec, S Ge, A Lal, B Laughlin
OSF, 2021
Zplnomocnění: CGIAR
Networks and the Size of the Gender Gap in Politician Performance Across Job Duties
A Garcia-Hernandez, G Grossman, K Michelitch
Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions Working Paper, 3-2018, 2020
Zplnomocnění: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Policy Research Working Paper 9981
P Backlash, YY Zhou, G Grossman, S Ge
Policy, 2022
Zplnomocnění: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, Department of …
The Electoral Consequences of Cellphone Coverage Expansion
S Ge, G Grossman, K Kosec, A Lal, B Laughlin
Zplnomocnění: CGIAR
RA Blair, G Grossman, AM Wilke
Zplnomocnění: Department of International Development, UK
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