Rosmala Nur
Rosmala Nur
Universitas Tadulako
E-mailová adresa ověřena na: - Domovská stránka
The effect of oxytocin massage and breast care on the increased production of breast milk of breastfeeding mothers in the working area of the public health center of Lawanga of …
A Triansyah, A Indarty, M Tahir, M Sabir, R Nur, M Basir-Cyio, A Anshary, ...
Gaceta sanitaria 35, S168-S170, 2021
Analisis faktor risiko kejadian berat badan lahir rendah di Rumah Sakit Umum Anutapura Palu
R Nur, A Arifuddin, R Novilia
Preventif: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat 7 (1), 14-14, 2016
Patient satisfaction: Public vs. private hospital in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
D Mutiarasari, IPK Demak, EY Bangkele, R Nur, T Setyawati
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S186-S190, 2021
Faktor Risiko Kejadian Stunting Pada Anak Umur 2-5 Tahun Di Puskesmas Biromaru
I Imelda, N Rahman, R Nur
Ghidza: Jurnal Gizi dan Kesehatan 2 (1), 39-43, 2018
The effect of moringa leaf extracton increasing hemoglobin and bodyweight in post-disaster pregnant women
R Nur, IPK Demak, S Radhiah, M Rusydi, E Mantao, RD Larasati
Enfermería Clínica 30, 79-82, 2020
Khairunnisa and Anwar Mallongi, 2017. Golden standard feeding and the risk of 25-60 month-old underweight children in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
R Nur, NU Dewi
Asian J. Clin. Nutr 9, 104-110, 2017
Risk factors of anemia among pregnant women in community health center (Puskesmas) Singgani and Puskesmas Tipo Palu
AD Pusporini, AU Salmah, A Wahyu, A Seweng, A Indarty, R Nur, A Syam
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S123-S126, 2021
Impact of violence on health reproduction among wives in donggala
R Nur, A Mallongi
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 15 (11), 980-988, 2016
Women’s reactions and health disorders caused by abuse during the pregnancy-postpartum period
R Nur, SI Fitrasyah, A Mallongi
Med Leg Updat 20, 1329-1334, 2020
Effect of education through video and packaging modifications of iron tablets on female adolescent behavior in the iron supplementation intake in SMPN 2 and SMPN 1 Parigi
NPO Madestria, AI Moedjiono, M Tahir, K Suarayasa, R Nur, A Syam
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S127-S130, 2021
The influence of fluoride in drinking water on the incidence of fluorosis and intelligence of elementary school students in Palu City
SI Yani, A Seweng, A Mallongi, R Nur, MT Abdullah, U Salmah, ...
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S159-S163, 2021
Detection Mapping of Women with High-Risk Pregnancy in Antenatal Care in Kamonji Public Health Center, Palu City, Indonesia.
R Nur, RGC Sese, NS Patui, RN Fajriah
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (2), 2020
Early-age marriage and the impact of health reproduction women
R Nur, A Mallongi, IK Demak
J Eng Appl Sci 14, 981-986, 2019
Kondisi Ekonomi, Stigma, Dan Tingkat Religiusitas Sebagai Faktor Dalam Meningkatkan Upaya Pencegahan Covid-19
AH Dani, C Herawati, S Bakhri, L Banowati, NT Wahyuni, ...
Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan: Publikasi Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran …, 2021
The effect of balanced counseling strategy family planning against attitude, subjective norm, and intentions on the use of modern contraception behavior in the Singgani Public …
RS Palinggi, AI Moedjiono, K Suarayasa, A Seweng, H Amqam, R Nur, ...
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S140-S144, 2021
Effects of family planning and baby care behavior on stunting in early married couples
R Nur, M Rusydi, RN Fajriah, RD Larasati, S Hendra, HR Ngemba
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 9 (E), 467-473, 2021
Health risk analysis of phenol and arsenic exposure among kokoda communities village Sorong, West Papua
A Mallongi, DAT Novitasari, NB Noor, M Saleh, R Nur
Enfermería Clínica 30, 123-126, 2020
Determinants of the incidence of stunting in the working area of Kinovaro Sigi Health Center
D Mutiarasari, AA Arsin, V Hadju, A Mallongi, R Nur, I Amri, H Haruni, ...
Enfermería Clínica 30, 246-252, 2020
The smart book effect of pregnancy–postpartum care towards the husband’s knowledge and reduction of reproductive health problems
P Indonesia
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review 22 (2), 133-139, 2020
Factors related to quality of life of elderly victims of natural disasters in Palu City
R Nur, A Mallongi, NW Sridani, R Devi
Enfermeria Clinica 30, 178-181, 2020
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