Články se zplnomocněním k veřejnému přístupu - Wendy J. KingDalší informace
Nedostupné nikde: 4
Tall young females get ahead: size-specific fecundity in wild kangaroos suggests a steep trade-off with growth
L Quesnel, WJ King, G Coulson, M Festa-Bianchet
Oecologia 186, 59-71, 2018
Zplnomocnění: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Long-term consequences of mother-offspring associations in eastern grey kangaroos
WJ King, M Festa-Bianchet, G Coulson, AW Goldizen
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71, 1-11, 2017
Zplnomocnění: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Large eastern grey kangaroos are dominant but do not monopolize matings
L Montana, WJ King, G Coulson, D Garant, M Festa-Bianchet
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76, 78, 2022
Zplnomocnění: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Post-weaning survival in kangaroos is high and constant until senescence; Implications for population dynamics
R Bergeron, G Pigeon, DM Forsyth, WJ King, M Festa-Bianchet
Ecology, 2022
Zplnomocnění: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Dostupné někde: 4
Few sex effects in the ontogeny of mother-offspring relationships in eastern grey kangaroos
WJ King, AW Goldizen
Animal Behaviour 133, 59-67, 2016
Zplnomocnění: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Adoption in eastern grey kangaroos: a consequence of misdirected care?
WJ King, DM Forsyth, G Coulson, M Festa-Bianchet
PLOS ONE 10, e0125182, 2015
Zplnomocnění: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Effects of rainfall, forage biomass, and population density, on survival and growth of juvenile kangaroos
CA Plaisir, WJ King, DM Forsyth, M Festa-Bianchet
Journal of Mammalogy 103, 491-502, 2022
Zplnomocnění: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Early-life behavior, survival, and maternal personality in a wild marsupial
W Menário Costa, WJ King, T Bonnet, M Festa-Bianchet, LEB Kruuk
Behavioral Ecology 34 (6), 1002-1012, 2023
Zplnomocnění: Australian Research Council, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
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