Články se zplnomocněním k veřejnému přístupu - Stewart A.W. DiemontDalší informace
Dostupné někde: 8
More than just corn and calories: a comprehensive assessment of the yield and nutritional content of a traditional Lacandon Maya milpa
TB Falkowski, A Chankin, SAW Diemont, RW Pedian
Food security 11, 389-404, 2019
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Lacandon Maya traditional ecological knowledge and rainforest restoration: Soil fertility beneath six agroforestry system trees
TB Falkowski, SAW Diemont, A Chankin, D Douterlungne
Ecological engineering 92, 210-217, 2016
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Post‐storm sediment burial and herbivory of Vallisneria americana in the Hudson River estuary: mechanisms of loss and implications for restoration
J Hamberg, SEG Findlay, KE Limburg, SAW Diemont
Restoration Ecology 25 (4), 629-639, 2017
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Successional changes in vegetation and litter structure in traditional Lacandon Maya agroforests
TB Falkowski, A Chankin, SAW Diemont
Agroecology and sustainable food systems 44 (6), 747-767, 2020
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Foraging wild edibles: dietary diversity in expanded food systems
AC Bellows, S Raj, E Pitstick, MR Potteiger, SAW Diemont
Nutrients 15 (21), 4630, 2023
Zplnomocnění: US Department of Agriculture
Effects of five Lacandon Maya agroforestry trees on soil nematode trophic group composition
TB Falkowski, D Douterlungne, A Chankin, SAW Diemont
Agroforestry systems 93 (6), 2121-2133, 2019
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Assessing avian diversity and community composition along a successional gradient in traditional Lacandon Maya agroforests
TB Falkowski, JR Vázquez‐Pérez, A Chankin, AY Campos‐Beltrán, ...
Biotropica 52 (6), 1242-1252, 2020
Zplnomocnění: US National Science Foundation
Foraging Wild Edibles: Dietary Diversity in Expanded Food Systems. Nutrients 2023, 15, 4630
AC Bellows, S Raj, E Pitstick, MR Potteiger, SAW Diemont
Zplnomocnění: US Department of Agriculture
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