Hanifudin Sukri
Perancangan Mesin Cuci Tangan Otomatis dan Higienis Berbasis Kamera
H Sukri
Rekayasa 12 (2), 163-167, 2019
Application of Odometry and Dijkstra Algorithm as Navigation and Shortest Path Determination System of Warehouse Mobile Robot
A Ubaidillah, H Sukri
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) 4 (3), 413-423, 2023
Rancang Bangung Model Pembelajaran Flipped Classroom Sebagai Solusi Peningkatan Daya Belajar Mandiri Mahasiswa
H Sukri, DA Fatah
Jurnal Ilmiah Edutic: Pendidikan dan Informatika 6 (2), 52-60, 2020
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Menggunakan Radio Frequency Identification Berbasis Internet of Thing
Z Arifin, D Rahmawati, H Sukri
SinarFe7 3 (1), 2020
Pengembangan aplikasi berbasis web
H Sukri, A Dafid, F Adiputra, A Bardadi
Media Nusa Creative (MNC Publishing), 2023
Automatic Clean Water Treatment System Using the Sugeno Fuzzy Method
S Hanif, D Rahmawati, R Alfita, AS Awal, AF Doni
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1569 (3), 032087, 2020
Digital Moving Average Filter Application for Echo Signals and Temperature
DN Purnamasari, KA Wibisono, H Sukri
E3S Web of Conferences 328, 02007, 2021
Application of lora (long range access) in optimizing internet of things using mqtt (message queuing telemetry transport) for fish feed monitoring
AK Saputro, AR Anditya, M Ulum, H Sukri, R Alfita, AF Ibadillah
2020 6th Information Technology International Seminar (ITIS), 224-228, 2020
Web-based fuzzy time series for environmental temperature and relative humidity prediction
S Suryono, R Saputra, B Surarso, H Sukri
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite …, 2017
Perancangan Alat Cerdas Pendeteksi Kandungan Unsur Tanah
H Sukri, AK Saputro, A Dafid
Jurnal Simantec 9 (1), 15-19, 2020
Sistem Informasi Pencatatan SK Dosen Prodi Teknik Elektro Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
A Ubaidillah, H Sukri
Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputer TRIAC 8 (1), 15-17, 2021
Wireless Sensor Network Design Using Multihop Based on Arduino and NRF24L01+
MF Kurniawan, R Alfita, M Ulum, H Sukri
Procedia of Engineering and Life Science 1 (1), 2021
K-Nearest Neighbor Method Approach in Implementing Automatic Feeding Efficiency Based on the Internet of Things in Broiler Chickens
H Sukri, F Adiputra, A Basuki, AA Syamsuddin, A Aziz
2023 IEEE 9th Information Technology International Seminar (ITIS), 1-6, 2023
Penerapan Seven Tools Dengan Microsoft Excel Dan Minitab
H Sukri, A Basuki
Media Nusa Creative (MNC Publishing), 2022
Design of garbage collection robots in tourism area (beach) with artificial neural network method
H Sukri, A Dafid, A Basuki
2022 IEEE 8th Information Technology International Seminar (ITIS), 235-240, 2022
Desain Alat Portable untuk Merekomendasikan Pemilihan Jenis Tanaman Berdasarkan Keasaman, Suhu, Kelembapan dan Warna pada Tanah dengan Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) Tipe Mamdani
M Rahman, AU Ms, H Sukri
J. Arus Elektro Indones 8 (2), 38-46, 2022
Penerapan Evaluasi Performa Website Dengan Similarweb Pada Website Akademik Implementation Of Website Performance Evaluation With Similarweb On Academic Websites
IO Suzanti, FA Mufarroha, K Fatimah, DA Fatah, H Sukri, A Dafid
Jurnal SimanteC Vol 10 (2), 2022
Sistem Otomasi Untuk Menyortir Barang Pada Ruang Produksi Menggunakan Scada dan PLC
AK Saputro, H Sukri, MR Al Baihaqi
Energy: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Teknik 14 (1), 38-52, 2024
Implementation of website performance evaluation with similarweb on academic websites
IO Suzanti, FA Mufarroha, K Fatimah, DA Fatah, H Sukri, A Dafid
Jurnal Simantec 10 (2), 85-92, 2022
Implementasi Teknologi Tepat Guna Sebagai Upaya Preventif Penyebaran Covid-19
H Sukri
Jurnal Ilmiah Pangabdhi 7 (2), 76-79, 2021
Systém momentálně nemůže danou operaci provést. Zkuste to znovu později.
Články 1–20