Články se zplnomocněním k veřejnému přístupu - Norbert KathmannDalší informace
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ERP correlates of conscious error recognition: aware and unaware errors in an antisaccade task
T Endrass, B Reuter, N Kathmann
European Journal of Neuroscience 26 (6), 1714-1720, 2007
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Performance monitoring and error significance in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
T Endrass, B Schuermann, C Kaufmann, R Spielberg, R Kniesche, ...
Biological psychology 84 (2), 257-263, 2010
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Performance monitoring in obsessive–compulsive disorder and social anxiety disorder.
T Endrass, A Riesel, N Kathmann, U Buhlmann
Journal of abnormal psychology 123 (4), 705, 2014
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Cortical thickness correlates with impulsiveness in healthy adults
C Schilling, S Kühn, A Romanowski, F Schubert, N Kathmann, J Gallinat
Neuroimage 59 (1), 824-830, 2012
Zplnomocnění: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Neural correlates of training and transfer effects in working memory in older adults
S Heinzel, RC Lorenz, P Pelz, A Heinz, H Walter, N Kathmann, MA Rapp, ...
Neuroimage 134, 236-249, 2016
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Cortical thickness of superior frontal cortex predicts impulsiveness and perceptual reasoning in adolescence
C Schilling, S Kühn, T Paus, A Romanowski, T Banaschewski, A Barbot, ...
Molecular Psychiatry 18 (5), 624-630, 2013
Zplnomocnění: UK Medical Research Council
Presupplementary motor area contributes to altered error monitoring in obsessive-compulsive disorder
R Grützmann, T Endrass, C Kaufmann, E Allen, T Eichele, N Kathmann
Biological psychiatry 80 (7), 562-571, 2016
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Changes of performance monitoring with learning in older and younger adults
M Pietschmann, K Simon, T Endrass, N Kathmann
Psychophysiology 45 (4), 559-568, 2008
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Impaired action control in schizophrenia: the role of volitional saccade initiation
B Reuter, M Jäger, R Bottlender, N Kathmann
Neuropsychologia 45 (8), 1840-1848, 2007
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Aging, probabilistic learning and performance monitoring
M Pietschmann, T Endrass, B Czerwon, N Kathmann
Biological psychology 86 (1), 74-82, 2011
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Evidence for specific cognitive deficits in visual information processing in patients with OCD compared to patients with unipolar depression
F Rampacher, L Lennertz, A Vogeley, S Schulze-Rauschenbach, ...
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 34 (6), 984-991, 2010
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Effects of switching between leftward and rightward pro-and antisaccades
B Reuter, AM Philipp, I Koch, N Kathmann
Biological psychology 72 (1), 88-95, 2006
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Harm avoidance and childhood adversities in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder and their unaffected first‐degree relatives
K Bey, L Lennertz, A Riesel, J Klawohn, C Kaufmann, S Heinzel, ...
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 135 (4), 328-338, 2017
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Event-related brain potential variations during location and identity negative priming
N Kathmann, B Bogdahn, T Endrass
Neuroscience letters 394 (1), 53-56, 2006
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Emotion recognition in body dysmorphic disorder: Application of the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task
U Buhlmann, A Winter, N Kathmann
Body Image 10 (2), 247-250, 2013
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Detection of visual events along the apparent motion trace in patients with paranoid schizophrenia
LLO Sanders, L Muckli, W de Millas, M Lautenschlager, A Heinz, ...
Psychiatry Research 198 (2), 216-223, 2012
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Learning to detect but not to grasp suppressed visual stimuli
K Ludwig, P Sterzer, N Kathmann, VH Franz, G Hesselmann
Neuropsychologia 51 (13), 2930-2938, 2013
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
A pilot study on the validity of using pictures and videos for individualized symptom provocation in obsessive–compulsive disorder
D Simon, E Kischkel, R Spielberg, N Kathmann
Psychiatry Research 198 (1), 81-88, 2012
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Antisaccade performance of schizophrenia patients: evidence of reduced task-set activation and impaired error detection
B Reuter, E Herzog, N Kathmann
Journal of psychiatric research 40 (2), 122-130, 2006
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
Brain potentials indicate poor preparation for action in schizophrenia
B Reuter, E Herzog, T Endrass, N Kathmann
Psychophysiology 43 (6), 604-611, 2006
Zplnomocnění: German Research Foundation
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