David Buriánek
David Buriánek
Czech Geological Survey, Klárov 3, 118 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic
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Geochemical and geochronological constraints on distinct Early-Neoproterozoic and Cambrian accretionary events along southern margin of the Baydrag Continent in western Mongolia
D Buriánek, K Schulmann, K Hrdličková, P Hanžl, V Janoušek, A Gerdes, ...
Gondwana Research 47, 200-227, 2017
Neoproterozoic‐early Paleozoic peri‐Pacific accretionary evolution of the Mongolian collage system: Insights from geochemical and U‐Pb zircon data from the Ordovician …
YD Jiang, K Schulmann, A Kröner, M Sun, O Lexa, V Janoušek, ...
Tectonics 36 (11), 2305-2331, 2017
Compositional evolution and substitutions in disseminated and nodular tourmaline from leucocratic granites: Examples from the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic
D Buriánek, M Novák
Lithos 95 (1-2), 148-164, 2007
Cambrian–ordovician magmatism of the Ikh-Mongol Arc system exemplified by the Khantaishir Magmatic Complex (Lake Zone, south–central Mongolia)
V Janoušek, Y Jiang, D Buriánek, K Schulmann, P Hanžl, I Soejono, ...
Gondwana Research 54, 122-149, 2018
P–T–t–D record of crustal‐scale horizontal flow and magma‐assisted doming in the SW Mongolian Altai
A Broussolle, P Štípská, J Lehmann, K Schulmann, BR Hacker, R Holder, ...
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 33 (4), 359-383, 2015
Ultrapotassic magmatism in the heyday of the Variscan Orogeny: the story of the Třebíč Pluton, the largest durbachitic body in the Bohemian Massif
V Janoušek, P Hanžl, M Svojtka, JM Hora, YVE Kochergina, P Gadas, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 109, 1767-1810, 2020
The rise of the Brunovistulicum: age, geological, petrological and geochemical character of the Neoproterozoic magmatic rocks of the Central Basic Belt of the Brno Massif
P Hanžl, V Janoušek, I Soejono, D Buriánek, M Svojtka, K Hrdličková, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 108, 1165-1199, 2019
Early Palaeozoic sedimentary record and provenance of flysch sequences in the Hovd Zone (western Mongolia): Implications for the geodynamic evolution of the Altai accretionary …
I Soejono, P Čáp, J Míková, V Janoušek, D Buriánek, K Schulmann
Gondwana Research 64, 163-183, 2018
Making continental crust: origin of Devonian orthogneisses from SE Mongolian Altai
P Hanzl, K Schulmann, V Janousek, O Lexa, K Hrdlickova, Y Jiang, ...
Journal of Geosciences 61 (1), 25-50, 2016
Mid-Ordovician and Late Devonian magmatism in the Togtokhinshil Complex: new insight into the formation and accretionary evolution of the Lake Zone (western Mongolia)
I Soejono, D Burianek, M Svojtka, V Zacek, P Cap, V Janousek
Journal of Geosciences 61 (1), 5-23, 2016
Petrology and age of metamorphosed rock in tectonic slices inside the Palaeozoic sediments of the eastern Mongolian Altay, SW Mongolia
K Hrdlickova, K Bolormaa, D BurIáneK, P Hanzl, A Gerdes, V Janousek
Journal of Geosciences 53 (2), 139-165, 2008
Morphological and compositional evolution of tourmaline from nodular granite at Lavicky near Velke Mezirici, Moldanubicum, Czech Republic
D Burianek, M Novak
Journal of Geosciences 49 (1-2), 81-90, 2004
A reworked Lake Zone margin: Chronological and geochemical constraints from the Ordovician arc-related basement of the Hovd Zone (western Mongolia)
I Soejono, D Buriánek, V Janoušek, M Svojtka, P Čáp, V Erban, ...
Lithos 294, 112-132, 2017
Magnetic fabric and petrology of Miocene sub-volcanic sills and dykes emplaced into the SW Flysch Belt of the West Carpathians (S Moravia, Czech Republic) and their …
F Hrouda, D Buriánek, O Krejčí, M Chadima
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal research 290, 23-38, 2015
Comparison of lithology and tectonometamorphic evolution of units at the northern margin of the Moldanubian Zone: implications for geodynamic evolution in the northeastern part …
J Pertoldova, K Verner, S Vrana, D Burianek, V Stedra, L Vondrovic
Journal of Geosciences 55 (4), 299-319, 2010
Tectonometamorphic features of geological units along the northern periphery of the Moldanubian Zone
K Verner, D Burianek, S Vrana, L Vondrovic, J Pertoldova, P Hanzl, ...
Journal of Geosciences 54 (2), 87-100, 2009
Characterization and 3D visualization of underground research facility for deep geological repository experiments: A case study of underground research facility Bukov, Czech …
Z Bukovska, I Soejono, L Vondrovic, M Vavro, K Souček, D Burianek, ...
Engineering Geology 259, 105186, 2019
Main Ethiopian Rift landslides formed in contrasting geological settings and climatic conditions
K Martínek, K Verner, T Hroch, LA Megerssa, V Kopačková, D Buriánek, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2021, 1-27, 2021
Origin and metamorphic evolution of Fe–Mn-rich garnetites (coticules) in the Desná Unit (Silesicum, NE Bohemian Massif)
K Kropáč, D Buriánek, J Zimák
Geochemistry 72 (3), 219-236, 2012
Metamorphic evolution of the contact aureole of the Dipilto Batholith, Eastern Chortis Terrane, Nicaragua
D Burianek, Z Dolnicek
Journal of Geosciences 56 (1), 9-26, 2011
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