Homanga Bharadhwaj
Homanga Bharadhwaj
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Open x-embodiment: Robotic learning datasets and rt-x models
A Padalkar, A Pooley, A Jain, A Bewley, A Herzog, A Irpan, A Khazatsky, ...
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024), 2023
Conservative Safety Critics for Exploration
H Bharadhwaj, A Kumar, N Rhinehart, S Levine, F Shkurti, A Garg
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021), 2021
Roboagent: Generalization and efficiency in robot manipulation via semantic augmentations and action chunking
H Bharadhwaj*, J Vakil*, M Sharma*, A Gupta, S Tulsiani, V Kumar
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024), 2024
RecGAN: recurrent generative adversarial networks for recommendation systems
H Bharadhwaj, H Park, BY Lim
RecSys 2018, 2018
Meta-learning for user cold-start recommendation
H Bharadhwaj
IJCNN 2019, 2019
D2RL: Deep Dense Architectures in Reinforcement Learning
S Sinha*, H Bharadhwaj*, A Srinivas, A Garg
Deep RL Workshop (NeurIPS 2020), 2020
Learning by Watching: Physical Imitation of Manipulation Skills from Human Videos
H Xiong, Q Li, YC Chen, H Bharadhwaj, S Sinha, A Garg
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021), 2021
DiVA: Diverse Visual Feature Aggregation forDeep Metric Learning
T Milbich, K Roth, H Bharadhwaj, S Sinha, Y Bengio, B Ommer, JP Cohen
ECCV, 2020, 2020
Model-Predictive Control via Cross-Entropy and Gradient-Based Optimization
H Bharadhwaj*, K Xie*, F Shkurti
L4DC 2020, 2020
Phase matching in β-barium borate crystals for spontaneous parametric down-conversion
S Karan, S Aarav, H Bharadhwaj, L Taneja, A De, G Kulkarni, N Meher, ...
Journal of Optics 22 (8), 083501, 2020
Continual Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Hypernetworks
Y Huang, K Xie, H Bharadhwaj, F Shkurti
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021), 2021
CACTI: A Framework for Scalable Multi-Task Multi-Scene Visual Imitation Learning
Z Mandi, H Bharadhwaj, V Moens, S Song, A Rajeswaran, V Kumar
CoRL 2022 Workshop on Pre-training for Robot Learning, 2023
DIBS: Diversity inducing Information Bottleneck in Model Ensembles
S Sinha*, H Bharadhwaj*, A Goyal, H Larochelle, A Garg, F Shkurti
AAAI, 2021, 2021
A Data-Efficient Framework for Training and Sim-to-Real Transfer of Navigation Policies
H Bharadhwaj*, Z Wang*, Y Bengio, L Paull
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2019), 2019
Zero-Shot Robot Manipulation from Passive Human Videos
H Bharadhwaj, A Gupta, S Tulsiani*, V Kumar*
ICRA 2023 Workshop on Pre-training for Robot Learning, 2023
Track2Act: Predicting Point Tracks from Internet Videos enables Diverse Zero-shot Robot Manipulation
H Bharadhwaj, R Mottaghi*, A Gupta*, S Tulsiani*
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2024), 2024
Simplifying model-based rl: learning representations, latent-space models, and policies with one objective
R Ghugare, H Bharadhwaj, B Eysenbach, S Levine, R Salakhutdinov
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023), 2023
Information Prioritization through Empowerment in Visual Model-based RL
H Bharadhwaj, M Babaeizadeh, D Erhan, S Levine
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2022), 2022
Towards generalizable zero-shot manipulation via translating human interaction plans
H Bharadhwaj, A Gupta*, V Kumar*, S Tulsiani*
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024), 2024
Latent Skill Planning for Exploration and Transfer
K Xie*, H Bharadhwaj*, D Hafner, A Garg, F Shkurti
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021), 2021
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