Carolin F. Kerl
Carolin F. Kerl
Environmental Geochemistry, University of Bayreuth
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Rice production threatened by coupled stresses of climate and soil arsenic
EM Muehe, T Wang, CF Kerl, B Planer-Friedrich, S Fendorf
Nature Communications 10 (1), 4985, 2019
Thiolated arsenic species observed in rice paddy pore waters
J Wang, CF Kerl, P Hu, M Martin, T Mu, L Brüggenwirth, G Wu, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (4), 282-287, 2020
Methylated thioarsenates and monothioarsenate differ in uptake, transformation, and contribution to total arsenic translocation in rice plants
CF Kerl, RA Schindele, L Brüggenwirth, AE Colina Blanco, C Rafferty, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 53 (10), 5787-5796, 2019
Detection of thioarsenates in rice grains and rice products
AE Colina Blanco, CF Kerl, B Planer-Friedrich
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 69 (7), 2287-2294, 2021
Iron plaque at rice roots: no barrier for methylated thioarsenates
CF Kerl, TB Ballaran, B Planer-Friedrich
Environmental Science & Technology 53 (23), 13666-13674, 2019
Experimental confirmation of isotope fractionation in thiomolybdates using ion chromatographic separation and detection by multicollector ICPMS
CF Kerl, R Lohmayer, E Bura-Nakic, D Vance, B Planer-Friedrich
Analytical chemistry 89 (5), 3123-3129, 2017
Monothioarsenate uptake, transformation, and translocation in rice plants
CF Kerl, C Rafferty, S Clemens, B Planer-Friedrich
Environmental science & technology 52 (16), 9154-9161, 2018
Relative Abundance of Thiolated Species of As, Mo, W, and Sb in Hot Springs of Yellowstone National Park and Iceland
B Planer-Friedrich, J Forberg, R Lohmayer, CF Kerl, F Boeing, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (7), 4295-4304, 2020
Arsenic fate in peat controlled by the pH-dependent role of reduced sulfur
A Eberle, J Besold, CF Kerl, JS Lezama-Pacheco, S Fendorf, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (11), 6682-6692, 2020
Potential of high pH and reduced sulfur for arsenic mobilization–Insights from a Finnish peatland treating mining waste water
A Eberle, J Besold, JML Ninin, CF Kerl, K Kujala, B Planer-Friedrich
Science of the Total Environment 758, 143689, 2021
Dimethylated thioarsenates: a potentially dangerous blind spot in current worldwide regulatory limits for arsenic in rice
B Planer-Friedrich, CF Kerl, AE Colina Blanco, S Clemens
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 70 (31), 9610-9618, 2022
Dimethylmonothioarsenate is highly toxic for plants and readily translocated to shoots
E Pischke, F Barozzi, AE Colina Blanco, CF Kerl, B Planer-Friedrich, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 56 (14), 10072-10083, 2022
Rice production threatened by coupled stresses of climate and soil arsenic. Nat Commun 10: 4985
EM Muehe, T Wang, CF Kerl, B Planer-Friedrich, S Fendorf
Arsenic speciation analysis in porewater by a novel colorimetric assay
AC Sepúlveda, LM Gatti, CF Kerl, A Chennu, JM Klatt
Science of the Total Environment 827, 154155, 2022
Consequences of sea level rise for high metal (loid) loads in the Ría of Huelva estuary sediments
CF Kerl, MD Basallote, M Käberich, E Oldani, NPC Espejo, AEC Blanco, ...
Science of the Total Environment 873, 162354, 2023
Thiolated arsenic species observed in rice paddy pore waters. Nat. Geosci. 13 (4), 282–287
J Wang, CF Kerl, P Hu, M Martin, T Mu, L Brüggenwirth, G Wu, ...
Thiolated arsenic species observed in rice paddy pore waters. Nat Geosci 13: 282–287
J Wang, CF Kerl, P Hu, M Martin, T Mu, L Brüggenwirth, G Wu, ...
Low levels of arsenic and cadmium in rice grown in southern Florida Histosols-Impacts of water management and soil thickness
R Hu, JA Cooper, SH Daroub, CF Kerl, B Planer-Friedrich, AL Seyfferth
Science of The Total Environment 869, 161712, 2023
Seasonal Formation of Low-Sorbing Methylthiolated Arsenates Induces Arsenic Mobilization in a Minerotrophic Peatland
PVT Knobloch, LH Pham, CF Kerl, Q Guo, B Planer-Friedrich
Environmental Science & Technology 58 (3), 1669-1679, 2024
In Planta Arsenic Thiolation in Rice and Arabidopsis thaliana
AE Colina Blanco, E Pischke, A Higa Mori, CF Kerl, S Clemens, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 57 (51), 21846-21854, 2023
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