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Saeid JanizadehUniversity of HawaiiVerificeret mail på hawaii.edu
Romulus-Dumitru CostacheNational Institute of Hydrology and Water ManagementVerificeret mail på hidro.ro
Indra PrakashGeological Survey of India, Dy.DG(R), Collaborative ResearcherVerificeret mail på bisag.gujarat.gov.in
Tran Van PhongMSc, Institute of Geological Sciences (VAST)Verificeret mail på igsvn.vast.vn
Hamidreza MoradiHamid Reza MoradiVerificeret mail på modares.ac.ir
Peyman YariyanPhD. RS/GIS, University of TabrizVerificeret mail på tabrizu.ac.ir
John P. TiefenbacherProfessor of Geography, Texas State UniversityVerificeret mail på txstate.edu
Abolfazl JaafariResearch Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran, IranVerificeret mail på rifr-ac.ir
Nadhir Al-AnsariLulea University of TechnologyVerificeret mail på ltu.se
Omid GhorbanzadehUniversity of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)Verificeret mail på boku.ac.at
Saro LeeKorea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral ResourcesVerificeret mail på kigam.re.kr
Himan ShahabiDepartment of Geomorphology, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, IranVerificeret mail på uok.ac.ir
Ataollah ShirzadiDept. of Watershed Management, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, IranVerificeret mail på uok.ac.ir
Thomas BlaschkeUniversity of Salzburg Department of GeoinformaticsVerificeret mail på sbg.ac.at
huu duy NguyenUniversity of Science, Vietnam National University, HanoiVerificeret mail på vnu.edu.vn
Mohsen FarzinAssociate Professor of Watershed Management, Yasouj UniversityVerificeret mail på yu.ac.ir
Alireza ArabameriDepartment of Geomorphology, Tarbiat Modares UniversityVerificeret mail på modares.ac.ir
Saleh YousefiAssistant Prof., Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Department, Chaharmahal andVerificeret mail på areeo.ac.ir
Hejar ShahabiPhD Candidate of Environmental Remote Sensing, INRS, QuebecVerificeret mail på inrs.ca
Viet-Ha Nhu, PhDHanoi University of Mining and GeologyVerificeret mail på humg.edu.vn