Alessandro Sacchini
Alessandro Sacchini
Ph.D geologist, geographer. Independent Researcher, Genoa University - High School Teacher
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Role of rainfall intensity and urban sprawl in the 2014 flash flood in Genoa City, Bisagno catchment (Liguria, Italy)
F Faccini, F Luino, G Paliaga, A Sacchini, L Turconi, C de Jong
Applied Geography 98, 224-241, 2018
Geohydrological hazards and urban development in the Mediterranean area: an example from Genoa (Liguria, Italy)
F Faccini, F Luino, A Sacchini, L Turconi, JV De Graff
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 15 (12), 2631-2652, 2015
Geo-hydrological risk management for civil protection purposes in the urban area of Genoa (Liguria, NW Italy)
P Brandolini, A Cevasco, M Firpo, A Robbiano, A Sacchini
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (4), 943-959, 2012
The Bisagno stream catchment (Genoa, Italy) and its major floods: Geomorphic and land use variations in the last three centuries
F Faccini, G Paliaga, P Piana, A Sacchini, C Watkins
Geomorphology 273, 14-27, 2016
Increased flash flooding in Genoa Metropolitan Area: a combination of climate changes and soil consumption?
F Acquaotta, F Faccini, S Fratianni, G Paliaga, A Sacchini, V Vilímek
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 131, 1099-1110, 2019
Environmental climatic maps of Liguria (Italy)
A Sacchini, F Ferraris, F Faccini, M Firpo
Journal of Maps 8 (3), 199-207, 2012
Flash flood events and urban development in Genoa (Italy): Lost in translation
F Faccini, F Luino, A Sacchini, L Turconi
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 5: Urban Geology …, 2014
Rainfall intensity in the Genoa Metropolitan Area: secular variations and consequences
F Acquaotta, F Faccini, S Fratianni, G Paliaga, A Sacchini
Weather 73 (11), 356-362, 2018
Large-scale landslide and deep-seated gravitational slope deformation of the Upper Scrivia Valley (Northern Apennine, Italy)
A Sacchini, F Faccini, F Ferraris, M Firpo, S Angelini
Journal of Maps 12 (2), 344-358, 2016
Geomorphological landscape research and flood management in a heavily modified Tyrrhenian catchment
P Piana, F Faccini, F Luino, G Paliaga, A Sacchini, C Watkins
Sustainability 11 (17), 4594, 2019
Geological landscape and stone heritage of the Genoa Walls Urban Park and surrounding area (Italy)
A Sacchini, M Imbrogio Ponaro, G Paliaga, P Piana, F Faccini, P Coratza
Journal of Maps 14 (2), 528-541, 2018
Yet another disaster flood of the Bisagno stream in Genoa (Liguria, Italy): October the 9th-10th 2014 event
F Faccini, F Luino, G Paliaga, A Sacchini, L Turconi
Rendiconti Online Della Società Geologica Italiana 35, 128-131, 2015
The 4 th October 2010 flash flood event in Genoa Sestri Ponente (Liguria, Italy)
TL Faccini F, Luino F, Sacchini A
Disaster Advances 8, 1-14, 2015
Geomorphic hazards and intense rainfall: the case study of the Recco Stream catchment (Eastern Liguria, Italy)
F Faccini, A Robbiano, A Sacchini
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (4), 893-903, 2012
Anthropogenic changes in the alluvial plains of the Tyrrhenian Ligurian basins
F Luino, G Paliaga, A Roccati, A Sacchini, L Turconi, F Faccini
Rendiconti Online Della Società Geologica Italiana 48, 10-16, 2019
Evaluation of rainfall thresholds for triggering shallow landslides on the Genoa Municipality area (Italy): the case study of the Bisagno Valley
A Cevasco, A Sacchini, A Robbiano, E Vincenzi
Italian journal of engineering geology and environment, 35-50, 2010
The recent abrupt increase in the precipitation rate, as seen in an ultra-centennial series of precipitation
G Russo, C Eva, C Palau, A Caneva, A Sacchini
Assessment of heavy rainfall triggered flash floods and landslides in the Sturla stream basin (Ligurian Apennines, northwestern Italy)
F Faccini, P Piana, A Sacchini, R Lazzeri, G Paliaga, F Luino
Jokull 67 (2), 44, 2017
Heavy rains triggering flash floods in urban environment: a case from Chiavari (Genoa Metropolitan area, Italy)
F Faccini, P Giostrella, M Melillo, A Sacchini, M Santangelo
Ital. J. Eng. Geol. Environ, 51-66, 2017
Geo-hydrological hazard and urban development in the Mediterranean area: an example from Genoa City (Italy).
F Faccini, F Luino, A Sacchini, L Turconi, JV De Graff
Natural Hazards & Earth System Sciences Discussions 3 (4), 2015
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