Kevin Kuhlmann Clausen
Kevin Kuhlmann Clausen
Department of Ecoscience, Aarhus University
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Earlier Arctic springs cause phenological mismatch in long-distance migrants
KK Clausen, P Clausen
Oecologia 173, 1101-1112, 2013
Seasonality of eelgrass biomass and production across gradients in temperature and latitude
KK Clausen, D Krause-Jensen, B Olesen, N Marbà
Marine Ecology-Progress Series 506, 71-85, 2014
Highly dynamic wintering strategies in migratory geese: Coping with environmental change
KK Clausen, J Madsen, F Cottaar, E Kuijken, C Verscheure
Global change biology 24 (7), 3214-3225, 2018
Using dark diversity and plant characteristics to guide conservation and restoration
JE Moeslund, AK Brunbjerg, KK Clausen, L Dalby, C Fløjgaard, A Juel, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (6), 1730-1741, 2017
Current and potential threats to Nordic duck populations—a horizon scanning exercise
AD Fox, JE Jónsson, T Aarvak, T Bregnballe, TK Christensen, KK Clausen, ...
Annales Zoologici Fennici 52 (4), 193-220, 2015
Forecasting future drowning of coastal waterbird habitats reveals a major conservation concern
KK Clausen, P Clausen
Biological Conservation 171, 177-185, 2014
Grazing management can counteract the impacts of climate change-induced sea level rise on salt marsh-dependent waterbirds.
KK Clausen, M Stjernholm, P Clausen
Journal of Applied Ecology 50, 528-537, 2013
Impact of hunting along the migration corridor of pink‐footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus – implications for sustainable harvest management
KK Clausen, TK Christensen, OM Gundersen, J Madsen
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (5), 1563-1570, 2017
Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Food Web Structure in Different Environmental Settings
J Thormar, H Hasler-Sheetal, S Baden, C Boström, KK Clausen, ...
PLoS One 11 (1), e0146479, 2016
Carry-over or compensation? The impact of winter harshness and post-winter body condition on spring-fattening in a migratory goose species
KK Clausen, J Madsen, IM Tombre
PL o S One 10, e0132312, 2015
Energetic consequences of a major change in habitat use: endangered Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota losing their main food resource
KK Clausen, P Clausen, CC Fælled, KN Mouritsen
Ibis 154, 803-814, 2012
Foraging ecology and spatial behaviour of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in a wet grassland ecosystem
K Meisner, P Sunde, KK Clausen, P Clausen, CC Fælled, M Hoelgaard
Acta Theriologica 59, 377-389, 2014
Maize stubble as foraging habitat for wintering geese and swans in northern Europe
KK Clausen, J Madsen, BA Nolet, L Haugaard
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 259, 72-76, 2018
Crippling ratio: A novel approach to assess hunting-induced wounding of wild animals
KK Clausen, TE Holm, L Haugaard, J Madsen
Ecological Indicators 80, 242-246, 2017
Philopatry in a changing world: response of pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus to the loss of a key autumn staging area due to restoration of Filsø Lake …
KK Clausen, J Madsen
Journal of Ornithology 157, 229-237, 2016
Dark diversity reveals importance of biotic resources and competition for plant diversity across habitats
C Fløjgaard, JW Valdez, L Dalby, JE Moeslund, KK Clausen, R Ejrnæs, ...
Ecology and Evolution 10 (12), 6078-6088, 2020
Varying energetic costs of Brent Geese along a continuum from aquatic to agricultural habitats: the importance of habitat-specific energy expenditure
KK Clausen, P Clausen, AD Fox, CC Fælled, J Madsen
Journal of Ornithology 154, 155-162, 2013
Effectiveness of lasers to reduce goose grazing on agricultural grassland
KK Clausen, LK Marcussen, N Knudsen, TJS Balsby, J Madsen
Wildlife Biology 2019 (1), 1-8, 2019
Regulation of the hunting season as a tool for adaptive harvest management — first results for pink‐footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus
J Madsen, KK Clausen, TK Christensen, FA Johnson
Wildlife Biology 22 (5), 204-208, 2016
Age‐ratio bias among hunter‐based surveys of Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope based on wing vs. field samples
AD Fox, KK Clausen, L Dalby, TK Christensen, P Sunde
Ibis 157 (2), 391-395, 2015
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