Matteo Conforti
Matteo Conforti
PhLAM, CNRS-Université Lille 1
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Solutions of the Vector Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations:<? format?> Evidence for Deterministic Rogue Waves
F Baronio, A Degasperis, M Conforti, S Wabnitz
Physical review letters 109 (4), 044102, 2012
Vector rogue waves and baseband modulation instability in the defocusing regime
F Baronio, M Conforti, A Degasperis, S Lombardo, M Onorato, S Wabnitz
Physical review letters 113 (3), 034101, 2014
Rogue waves emerging from the resonant interaction of three waves
F Baronio, M Conforti, A Degasperis, S Lombardo
Physical review letters 111 (11), 114101, 2013
Baseband modulation instability as the origin of rogue waves
F Baronio, S Chen, P Grelu, S Wabnitz, M Conforti
Physical Review A 91 (3), 033804, 2015
Plasmon Dynamics in Colloidal Cu2–xSe Nanocrystals
F Scotognella, G Della Valle, AR Srimath Kandada, D Dorfs, ...
Nano letters 11 (11), 4711-4717, 2011
Fibre multi-wave mixing combs reveal the broken symmetry of Fermi–Pasta–Ulam recurrence
A Mussot, C Naveau, M Conforti, A Kudlinski, F Copie, P Szriftgiser, ...
Nature photonics 12 (5), 303-308, 2018
Optical dark rogue wave
B Frisquet, B Kibler, P Morin, F Baronio, M Conforti, G Millot, S Wabnitz
Scientific reports 6 (1), 20785, 2016
Ultrafast nonlinear dynamics of surface plasmon polaritons in gold nanowires due to the intrinsic nonlinearity of metals
A Marini, M Conforti, G Della Valle, HW Lee, TX Tran, W Chang, ...
New Journal of Physics 15 (1), 013033, 2013
Real-time optical mapping of the dynamics of nonthermal electrons in thin gold films
G Della Valle, M Conforti, S Longhi, G Cerullo, D Brida
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (15), 155139, 2012
Derivation of third-order nonlinear susceptibility of thin metal films as a delayed optical response
M Conforti, G Della Valle
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (24), 245423, 2012
Nonlinear envelope equation for broadband optical pulses in quadratic media
M Conforti, F Baronio, C De Angelis
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (5), 053841, 2010
Resonant radiation shed by dispersive shock waves
M Conforti, F Baronio, S Trillo
Physical Review A 89 (1), 013807, 2014
Dispersive dam-break flow of a photon fluid
G Xu, M Conforti, A Kudlinski, A Mussot, S Trillo
Physical review letters 118 (25), 254101, 2017
Fast and accurate modeling of nonlinear pulse propagation in graded-index multimode fibers
M Conforti, C Mas Arabi, A Mussot, A Kudlinski
Optics Letters 42 (19), 4004-4007, 2017
Competing Turing and Faraday instabilities in longitudinally modulated passive resonators
F Copie, M Conforti, A Kudlinski, A Mussot, S Trillo
Physical Review Letters 116 (14), 143901, 2016
Dispersive wave emission from wave breaking
M Conforti, S Trillo
Optics letters 38 (19), 3815-3818, 2013
Polarization modulation instability in a Manakov fiber system
B Frisquet, B Kibler, J Fatome, P Morin, F Baronio, M Conforti, G Millot, ...
Physical Review A 92 (5), 053854, 2015
Interaction between optical fields and their conjugates in nonlinear media
M Conforti, A Marini, TX Tran, D Faccio, F Biancalana
Optics express 21 (25), 31239-31252, 2013
Modulation instability in dispersion oscillating fibers
A Mussot, M Conforti, S Trillo, F Copie, A Kudlinski
Advances in Optics and Photonics 10 (1), 1-42, 2017
Doubly periodic solutions of the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation: Recurrence, period doubling, and amplification outside the conventional modulation-instability band
M Conforti, A Mussot, A Kudlinski, S Trillo, N Akhmediev
Physical Review A 101 (2), 023843, 2020
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