Joachim Vlieghe
Joachim Vlieghe
Teamleader and Project Manager at UniWeb BV
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Citeret af
Everybody reads: Reader engagement with literature in social media environments
J Vlieghe, J Muls, K Rutten
Poetics 54, 25-37, 2016
Social media in literacy education: Exploring social reading with pre-service teachers
J Vlieghe, G Vandermeersche, R Soetaert
new media & society 18 (5), 800-816, 2016
Facebook group dynamics: an ethnographic study of the teaching and learning potential for secondary school teachers
J Muls, K Triquet, J Vlieghe, F De Backer, C Zhu, K Lombaerts
Learning, Media and Technology 44 (2), 162-179, 2019
Linking serious game narratives with pedagogical theories and pedagogical design strategies
O De Troyer, F Van Broeckhoven, J Vlieghe
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 29, 549-573, 2017
Exploring the Relation between the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Games For the Purpose of Player‑Centred Game Design
P Sajjadi, J Vlieghe, O De Troyer
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 15 (4), pp320‑334-pp320‑334, 2017
Evidence-based mapping between the theory of multiple intelligences and game mechanics for the purpose of player-centered serious game design
P Sajjadi, J Vlieghe, O De Troyer
2016 8th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious …, 2016
Mapping between pedagogical design strategies and serious game narratives
F Van Broeckhoven, J Vlieghe, O De Troyer
2015 7th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious …, 2015
Rhetorical analysis of literary culture in social reading platforms
J Vlieghe, K Rutten
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15 (3), 7, 2013
Relation between multiple intelligences and game preferences: an evidence-based approach
P Sajjadi, J Vlieghe, O De Troyer
European Conference on Games Based Learning, 565, 2016
Using a controlled natural language for specifying the narratives of serious games
F Van Broeckhoven, J Vlieghe, O De Troyer
Interactive Storytelling: 8th International Conference on Interactive …, 2015
“Twitter, the most brilliant tough love editor you’ll ever have.” Reading and writing socially during the Twitter Fiction Festival
J Vlieghe, KL Page, K Rutten
First Monday 21 (4), http://dx.doi.org/10.5210/fm.v21i4.6334, 2016
Bibliography of publications in media and (inter) mediality studies
G Vandermeersche, J Vlieghe, S Tötösy de Zepetnek
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 13 (3), 26, 2011
What happens off the field? Proposing a rhetorical approach of the affinity spaces surrounding games
J Vlieghe, J Bourgonjon, K Rutten, R Soetaert
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Games-based Learning. Ed …, 2011
Creating story-based serious games using a controlled natural language domain specific modeling language
O De Troyer, F Van Broeckhoven, J Vlieghe
Serious Games and Edutainment Applications: Volume II, 567-603, 2017
Literacy in a social media culture: an ethnographic study of literary communication pratices
J Vlieghe
Ghent University, 2014
Exploring the relation between game experience and game mechanics for bodily-kinesthetic players
P Sajjadi, A Lo-A-Njoe, J Vlieghe, O De Troyer
Games and Learning Alliance: 5th International Conference, GALA 2016 …, 2016
Report on the theoretical framework and empirical toolkit for analysing literacy case-studies
J Vlieghe, K Rutten, R Soetaert
Explicit revision instruction in higher education writing
V Van Vooren, A Mottart, J Vlieghe
INTED2019 Proceedings, 762-765, 2019
How Video Games Can Change Your Life‖: Analyzing Stories of Change on Internet Fora
J Bourgonjon, G Vandermeersche, J Vlieghe, R Soetaert
Digital Games Research Association 2013 Conference, Atlanta, GA. Abstract …, 2013
Cultuureducatie en sociale media: een opiniestukvan Joachim Vlieghe, Universiteit Gent
J Vlieghe
Dag van de Cultuureducatie 2012, 6-7, 2012
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