Artikler med krav om offentlig adgang - Sharron HinchliffFå flere oplysninger
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Experiences of ageism and the mental health of older adults
A Lyons, B Alba, W Heywood, B Fileborn, V Minichiello, C Barrett, ...
Aging & mental health 22 (11), 1456-1464, 2018
Krav: Australian Research Council
Older adults’ experiences of sexual difficulties: Qualitative findings from the English Longitudinal Study on Ageing (ELSA)
S Hinchliff, J Tetley, DM Lee, J Nazroo
Journal of Sex Research, 2017
Krav: US National Institutes of Health, UK Economic and Social Research Council …
The importance of sex and the meaning of sex and sexual pleasure for men aged 60 and older who engage in heterosexual relationships: Findings from a qualitative interview study
B Fileborn, S Hinchliff, A Lyons, W Heywood, V Minichiello, G Brown, ...
Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, 2097-2110, 2017
Krav: Australian Research Council
Let's talk about sex–what do older men and women say about their sexual relations and sexual activities? A qualitative analysis of ELSA Wave 6 data
J Tetley, DM Lee, J Nazroo, S Hinchliff
Ageing & Society 38 (3), 497-521, 2018
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Successful aging and changes in sexual interest and enjoyment among older European men and women
A Štulhofer, S Hinchliff, T Jurin, GM Hald, B Træen
The Journal of Sexual Medicine 15 (10), 1393-1402, 2018
Krav: US National Institutes of Health, Research Council of Norway
Safer sex in later life: qualitative interviews with older Australians on their understandings and practices of safer sex
B Fileborn, G Brown, A Lyons, S Hinchliff, W Heywood, V Minichiello, ...
The Journal of Sex Research 55 (2), 164-177, 2018
Krav: Australian Research Council
The impact of experiences of ageism on sexual activity and interest in later life
W Heywood, V Minichiello, A Lyons, B Fileborn, R Hussain, S Hinchliff, ...
Ageing & Society 39 (4), 795-814, 2019
Krav: Australian Research Council
Successful aging, change in sexual interest and sexual satisfaction in couples from four European Countries
A Štulhofer, S Hinchliff, T Jurin, A Carvalheira, B Træen
European Journal of Ageing 16, 155-165, 2019
Krav: Research Council of Norway
Learning about sex in later life: Sources of education and older Australian adults
B Fileborn, A Lyons, S Hinchliff, G Brown, W Heywood, V Minichiello
Sex Education 17 (2), 165-179, 2017
Krav: Australian Research Council
Seeking help for sexual difficulties: findings from a study with older adults in four European countries
S Hinchliff, AA Carvalheira, A Štulhofer, E Janssen, GM Hald, B Træen
European journal of ageing 17, 185-195, 2020
Krav: Research Council of Norway
Talking to healthcare providers about sex in later life: Findings from a qualitative study with older Australian men and women
B Fileborn, A Lyons, W Heywood, S Hinchliff, S Malta, B Dow, G Brown, ...
Australasian Journal on Ageing 36 (4), E50-E56, 2017
Krav: Australian Research Council
Older adults' embodied experiences of aging and their perceptions of societal stigmas toward sexuality in later life
LB Towler, CA Graham, FL Bishop, S Hinchliff
Social Science & Medicine 287, 114355, 2021
Krav: Research Council of Norway
Improving the sexual lives of older Australians: Perspectives from a qualitative study
B Fileborn, A Lyons, S Hinchliff, G Brown, W Heywood, B Dow, S Malta, ...
Australasian journal on ageing 36 (4), E36-E42, 2017
Krav: Australian Research Council
Sexually active older Australian's knowledge of sexually transmitted infections and safer sexual practices
A Lyons, W Heywood, B Fileborn, V Minichiello, C Barrett, G Brown, ...
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 41 (3), 259-261, 2017
Krav: Australian Research Council
Sexual satisfaction among older Australian heterosexual men and women: Findings from the sex, age & me study
W Heywood, A Lyons, B Fileborn, S Hinchliff, V Minichiello, S Malta, ...
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 44 (3), 295-307, 2018
Krav: Australian Research Council
The sex, age, and me study: Recruitment and sampling for a large mixed-methods study of sexual health and relationships in an older Australian population
A Lyons, W Heywood, B Fileborn, V Minichiello, C Barrett, G Brown, ...
Culture, Health & Sexuality 19 (9), 1038-1052, 2017
Krav: Australian Research Council
Pathways to help-seeking for sexual difficulties in older adults: qualitative findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3)
S Hinchliff, R Lewis, K Wellings, J Datta, K Mitchell
Age and ageing 50 (2), 546-553, 2021
Krav: Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Executive, UK Economic and Social Research …
Sex and relationships in later life: older adults’ experiences and perceptions of sexual changes
LB Towler, CA Graham, FL Bishop, S Hinchliff
The Journal of Sex Research 60 (9), 1318-1331, 2023
Krav: Research Council of Norway
Relationship intimacy, sexual distress, and help-seeking for sexual problems among older European couples: a hybrid dyadic approach
A Štulhofer, S Hinchliff, B Træen
International journal of impotence research 32 (5), 525-534, 2020
Krav: Research Council of Norway
Talking about sex with friends: perspectives of older adults from the Sex, Age & Me study in Australia
S Hinchliff, B Fileborn, B Alba, A Lyons, V Minichiello, C Barrett, G Brown, ...
Culture, Health & Sexuality 23 (3), 367-382, 2021
Krav: Australian Research Council
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