Christian Albrekt Larsen
Christian Albrekt Larsen
Professor, Department of political science, Aalborg university
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The institutional logic of welfare attitudes: How welfare regimes influence public support
CA Larsen
Routledge, 2016
The rise and fall of social cohesion: The construction and de-construction of social trust in the US, UK, Sweden and Denmark
CA Larsen
Oxford University Press, USA, 2013
The institutional logic of images of the poor and welfare recipients: A comparative study of British, Swedish and Danish newspapers
CA Larsen, TE Dejgaard
Journal of European Social Policy 23 (3), 287-299, 2013
How new economic ideas changed the Danish welfare state: The case of neoliberal ideas and highly organized social democratic interests
CA Larsen, JG Andersen
Governance 22 (2), 239-261, 2009
Ambivalent stereotypes link to peace, conflict, and inequality across 38 nations
F Durante, ST Fiske, MJ Gelfand, F Crippa, C Suttora, A Stillwell, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (4), 669-674, 2017
Municipal size and democracy: a critical analysis of the argument of proximity based on the case of Denmark
CA Larsen
Scandinavian Political Studies 25 (4), 317-332, 2002
Ethnic heterogeneity and public support for welfare: Is the American experience replicated in Britain, Sweden and Denmark?
CA Larsen
Scandinavian Political Studies 34 (4), 332-353, 2011
How welfare regimes generate and erode social capital: The impact of underclass phenomena
CA Larsen
Comparative Politics 40 (1), 83-101, 2007
How three narratives of modernity justify economic inequality
CA Larsen
Acta Sociologica 59 (2), 93-111, 2016
Social cohesion: Definition, measurement and developments
CA Larsen
Why Public Employment Services Always Fail. Double‐Sided Asymmetric Information and the Placement of Low‐Skill Workers in six European Countries
CA Larsen, P Vesan
Public Administration 90 (2), 466-479, 2012
Magten på Borgen: En analyse af beslutningsprocesser i større politiske reformer
CA Larsen, JG Andersen
Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2004
The political logic of labour market reforms and popular images of target groups
CA Larsen
Journal of European Social Policy 18 (1), 50-63, 2008
Marginalisering og velfærdspolitik
JG Andersen, CA Larsen, JB Jensen
Arbejdsløshed, jobchancer og trivsel. Frydenlund, København, 2003
Revitalizing the ‘civic’and ‘ethnic’distinction. Perceptions of nationhood across two dimensions, 44 countries and two decades
CA Larsen
Nations and Nationalism 23 (4), 970-993, 2017
The myth of unadaptable gender roles: Attitudes towards women’s paid work among immigrants across 30 European countries
KN Breidahl, CA Larsen
Journal of European Social Policy 26 (5), 387-401, 2016
Education and trust: Exploring the association across social relationships and nations
M Frederiksen, CA Larsen, HL Lolle
Acta Sociologica 59 (4), 293-308, 2016
Policy paradigms and cross-national policy (mis) learning from the Danish employment miracle
CA Larsen
Journal of European Public Policy 9 (5), 715-735, 2002
Deservingness put into practice: Constructing the (un) deservingness of migrants in four European countries
MH Nielsen, M Frederiksen, CA Larsen
The British Journal of Sociology 71 (1), 112-126, 2020
Pension politics and policy in Denmark and Sweden: path dependencies, policy style, and policy outcome
JG Andersen, CA Larsen
Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration, Aalborg University, 2002
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