Artikler med krav om offentlig adgang - Curtis KnudsenFå flere oplysninger
Ikke tilgængelig nogen steder: 1
A synthesis of findings from an integrated hatchery program after three generations of spawning in the natural environment
DE Fast, WJ Bosch, MV Johnston, CR Strom, CM Knudsen, AL Fritts, ...
North American Journal of Aquaculture 77 (3), 377-395, 2015
Krav: US Department of Energy
Tilgængelige et sted: 4
Genomewide association analyses of fitness traits in captive‐reared Chinook salmon: Applications in evaluating conservation strategies
CD Waters, JJ Hard, MSO Brieuc, DE Fast, KI Warheit, CM Knudsen, ...
Evolutionary Applications 11 (6), 853-868, 2018
Krav: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Maintaining a wild phenotype in a conservation hatchery program for Chinook salmon: The effect of managed breeding on early male maturation
DA Larsen, DL Harstad, AE Fuhrman, CM Knudsen, SL Schroder, ...
PloS one 14 (5), e0216168, 2019
Krav: US Department of Energy, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Genomic and phenotypic effects of inbreeding across two different hatchery management regimes in Chinook salmon
CD Waters, JJ Hard, DE Fast, CM Knudsen, WJ Bosch, KA Naish
Molecular Ecology 29 (4), 658-672, 2020
Krav: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
What can genomics tell us about the success of enhancement programs in anadromous Chinook salmon? A comparative analysis across four generations
CD Waters, JJ Hard, MSO Brieuc, DE Fast, KI Warheit, RS Waples, ...
bioRxiv, 087973, 2016
Krav: US National Science Foundation, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric …
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