Thomas Siegmund
Thomas Siegmund
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
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Citeret af
An irreversible cohesive zone model for interface fatigue crack growth simulation
T Siegmund, K Roe
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 70 (2), 209-232, 2003
A numerical study on the correlation between the work of separation and the dissipation rate in ductile fracture
T Siegmund, W Brocks
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 67 (2), 139-154, 2000
Failure of mineralized collagen fibrils: modeling the role of collagen cross-linking
T Siegmund, MR Allen, DB Burr
Journal of biomechanics 41 (7), 1427-1435, 2008
An analysis of crack growth in thin-sheet metal via a cohesive zone model
W Li, T Siegmund
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 69 (18), 2073-2093, 2002
Prediction of the work of separation and implications to modeling
T Siegmund, W Brocks
International Journal of Fracture 99, 97-116, 1999
The low frequency performance of metamaterial barriers based on cellular structures
S Varanasi, JS Bolton, TH Siegmund, RJ Cipra
Applied Acoustics 74 (4), 485-495, 2013
A numerical study of dynamic crack growth in elastic-viscoplastic solids
T Siegmund, A Needleman
International Journal of Solids and Structures 34 (7), 769-787, 1997
A numerical study of transient fatigue crack growth by use of an irreversible cohesive zone model
T Siegmund
International Journal of Fatigue 26 (9), 929-939, 2004
A study of particle size effect and interface fracture in aluminum alloy composite via an extended conventional theory of mechanism-based strain-gradient plasticity
S Qu, T Siegmund, Y Huang, PD Wu, F Zhang, KC Hwang
Composites Science and Technology 65 (7-8), 1244-1253, 2005
A dislocation density based strain gradient model
S Brinckmann, T Siegmund, Y Huang
International journal of plasticity 22 (9), 1784-1797, 2006
Crash analysis of a conceptual electric vehicle with a damage tolerant battery pack
J Kukreja, T Nguyen, T Siegmund, W Chen, W Tsutsui, K Balakrishnan, ...
Extreme Mechanics Letters 9, 371-378, 2016
Effects of a carbon nanotube layer on electrical contact resistance between copper substrates
M Park, BA Cola, T Siegmund, J Xu, MR Maschmann, TS Fisher, H Kim
Nanotechnology 17 (9), 2294, 2006
Dynamic crack growth across an interface
T Siegmund, NA Fleck, A Needleman
International Journal of Fracture 85, 381-402, 1997
Nanoindentation based properties of Inconel 718 at elevated temperatures: A comparison of conventional versus additively manufactured samples
H Wang, A Dhiman, HE Ostergaard, Y Zhang, T Siegmund, JJ Kruzic, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 120, 380-394, 2019
Transverse loading of cellular topologically interlocked materials
S Khandelwal, T Siegmund, RJ Cipra, JS Bolton
International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (18), 2394-2403, 2012
On the determination of the cohesive zone parameters for the modeling of micro-ductile crack growth in thick specimens
CR Chen, O Kolednik, I Scheider, T Siegmund, A Tatschl, FD Fischer
International journal of fracture 120, 517-536, 2003
On the thermomechanical deformation behavior of duplex-type materials
T Siegmund, E Werner, FD Fischer
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 43 (4), 495-532, 1995
Rate-dependent crack growth in adhesives: I. Modeling approach
C Xu, T Siegmund, K Ramani
International journal of adhesion and adhesives 23 (1), 9-13, 2003
Manufacture and mechanics of topologically interlocked material assemblies
T Siegmund, F Barthelat, R Cipra, E Habtour, J Riddick
Applied Mechanics Reviews 68 (4), 040803, 2016
An analysis of the indentation test to determine the interface toughness in a weakly bonded thin film coating–substrate system
W Li, T Siegmund
Acta Materialia 52 (10), 2989-2999, 2004
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