Arlyna Budi Pustika
Arlyna Budi Pustika
Doctor of Plant Protection
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Citeret af
Women’s empowerment and gender equity in agriculture: A different perspective from Southeast Asia
S Akter, P Rutsaert, J Luis, NM Htwe, SS San, B Raharjo, A Pustika
Food policy 69, 270-279, 2017
Economic and environmental indicators of sustainable rice cultivation: A comparison across intensive irrigated rice cropping systems in six Asian countries
KP Devkota, E Pasuquin, A Elmido-Mabilangan, R Dikitanan, ...
Ecological Indicators 105, 199-214, 2019
Interactions between plant nutrition and symptom expression in mandarin trees infected with the disease huanglongbing
AB Pustika, S Subandiyah, P Holford, GAC Beattie, T Iwanami, ...
Australasian Plant Disease Notes 3, 112-115, 2008
Rice farming in central Java, Indonesia—adoption of sustainable farming practices, impacts and implications
M Connor, AH de Guia, AB Pustika, Sudarmaji, M Kobarsih, J Hellin
Agronomy 11 (5), 881, 2021
Pengembangan budi daya tanaman garut dan teknologi pengolahannya untuk mendukung ketahanan pangan
TF Djaafar, S Sarjiman, AB Pustika
Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Pertanian 29 (1), 123862, 2010
Revisiting yield gaps and the scope for sustainable intensification for irrigated lowland rice in Southeast Asia
JV Silva, VO Pede, AM Radanielson, W Kodama, A Duarte, AH de Guia, ...
Agricultural Systems 198, 103383, 2022
Assessing the challenges and opportunities of agricultural information systems to enhance farmers’ capacity and target rice production in Indonesia
AB Santoso, SS Girsang, B Raharjo, AB Pustika, Y Hutapea, M Kobarsih, ...
Sustainability 15 (2), 1114, 2023
Economic value, farmers perception, and strategic development of sorghum in Central Java and Yogyakarta, Indonesia
S Widodo, J Triastono, D Sahara, AB Pustika, Kristamtini, H Purwaningsih, ...
Agriculture 13 (3), 516, 2023
Development of arrowroot and its processing technology to support food security.
TF Djaafar, S Sarjiman, AB Pustika
S Widodo, J Triastono, D Sahara, AB Pustika
Purwaningsih, H, 1-22, 0
Sorghum Contribution to Increased Income and Welfare of Dryland Farmer Households in Wonogiri, Indonesia
D Sahara, J Triastono, RH Praptana, AS Romdon, FD Arianti, S Widodo, ...
Agriculture 13 (8), 1609, 2023
Ameliorant of rice husk charcoal supports rice cultivation in dry land
A Anshori, TE Suswatiningsih, N Al Viandari, M Mujiyo, H Purwaningsih, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1168 (1), 012007, 2023
Control of bacterial leaf blight and rice blast with antagonist microbial in the agroecosystem of irrigated rice
AB Pustika, K Yolanda
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 653 (1), 012137, 2021
Populasi Dan Intensitas Serangan Hama Pada Beberapa Varietas Kedelai Di Lahan Kering Gunung Kidul
A Pustika, S Budiarty, UB Bekti, A Anshori, E Srihartanto
Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian Tanaman Aneka kacang dan Umbi, 265-271, 2012
Insidensi Diaphorina citri dan CVPD pada tanaman jeruk interplanting jambu biji
AB Pustika, ME Purwanto, S Subandiyah, GAC Beattie
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Jeruk, 372, 2007
Environmental, social, and economic challenges in lowland rice production
M Connor, AJB Malabayabas, AH de Guia, H Wehmeyer, ARP Pame, ...
Closing rice yield gaps in Asia: innovations, scaling, and policies for …, 2023
The Diversity of Shallot Rhizomicrobiome and Twisted Disease Suppression with The Applicationof Bacillus spp. and Trichoderma asperellum
D Sundari, A Wibowo, T Joko, A Widiastuti, AB Pustika
Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia 19 (4), 156-165, 2023
Population Dynamic of Brown Plant Hopper, Predators and Neutral Insects in Irrigated Rice of Yogyakarta after Insecticides Application
AB Pustika, M Kobarsih, SD Indrasari, S Widyayanti, A Anshori, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1177 (1), 012020, 2023
The effect of antagonistic microbial and seed bulb-size on fusarium wilt and yield of shallot
GNP Sari, AB Pustika, C Solichah, D Wicaksono, S Widyayanti, ...
E3S Web of Conferences 467, 01006, 2023
The Occupancy of Barn Owl in the Artificial Nest Box to Control Rice Field Rat in Yogyakarta Indonesia
S Sudarmaji, AB Pustika, K Yolanda, E Pujiastuti, T Martini, A Stuart
PLANTA TROPIKA 9 (2), 116-125, 2021
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