Stephan Schmidt
Stephan Schmidt
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Three-Dimensional Large-Scale Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Based on Shape Calculus
S Schmidt, C Ilic, V Schulz, NR Gauger
AIAA journal 51 (11), 2615-2627, 2013
Efficient shape optimization for certain and uncertain aerodynamic design
C Schillings, S Schmidt, V Schulz
Computers & Fluids 46 (1), 78-87, 2011
Shape derivatives for general objective functions and the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
S Schmidt, V Schulz
Control Cybernet 39 (3), 677-713, 2010
A 2589 line topology optimization code written for the graphics card
S Schmidt, V Schulz
Computing and Visualization in Science 14, 249-256, 2011
Efficient large scale aerodynamic design based on shape calculus
S Schmidt
Impulse response approximations of discrete shape Hessians with application in CFD
S Schmidt, V Schulz
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (4), 2562-2580, 2009
Large-scale three-dimensional acoustic horn optimization
S Schmidt, E Wadbro, M Berggren
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (6), B917-B940, 2016
Shape gradients and their smoothness for practical aerodynamic design optimization
S Schmidt, C Ilic, N Gauger, V Schulz
Optim. Eng.(20 08) Preprint-Number SPP1253-10-03, 2008
Discrete total variation with finite elements and applications to imaging
M Herrmann, R Herzog, S Schmidt, J Vidal-Núñez, G Wachsmuth
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 61 (4), 411-431, 2019
Preconditioning the pressure tracking in fluid dynamics by shape Hessian information
K Eppler, S Schmidt, V Schulz, C Ilic
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 141, 513-531, 2009
Airfoil design for compressible inviscid flow based on shape calculus
S Schmidt, C Ilic, V Schulz, NR Gauger
Optimization and Engineering 12, 349-369, 2011
Weak and Strong Form Shape Hessians and Their Automatic Generation
S Schmidt
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (2), C210-C233, 2018
Shape Optimization Using the Finite Element Method on Multiple Meshes with Nitsche Coupling
JS Dokken, SW Funke, A Johansson, S Schmidt
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (3), A1923-A1948, 2019
A curved-element unstructured discontinuous Galerkin method on GPUs for the Euler equations
M Siebenborn, V Schulz, S Schmidt
Computing and Visualization in Science 15, 61-73, 2012
Pareto-curve continuation in multi-objective optimization
S Schmidt, V Schulz
Pacific Journal of Optimization 4 (2), 243-258, 2008
A Two Stage CVT / Eikonal Convection Mesh Deformation Approach for Large Nodal Deformations
S Schmidt
A linear view on shape optimization
S Schmidt, VH Schulz
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 61 (4), 2358-2378, 2023
Shape derivatives for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations in variational form
M Sonntag, S Schmidt, NR Gauger
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 296, 334-351, 2016
Shape derivatives for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations in variational form
M Sonntag, S Schmidt, NR Gauger
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 296, 334-351, 2016
Non-parametric aerodynamic shape optimization
N Gauger, C Ilic, S Schmidt, V Schulz
Constrained Optimization and Optimal Control for Partial Differential …, 2012
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