Francesco Ceresa
Francesco Ceresa
Museum of Nature South Tyrol
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The importance of key marginal habitat features for birds in farmland: an assessment of habitat preferences of Red-backed Shrikes Lanius collurio in the Italian Alps
F Ceresa, G Bogliani, P Pedrini, M Brambilla
Bird Study 59 (3), 327-334, 2012
Within-season movements of Alpine songbird distributions are driven by fine-scale environmental characteristics
F Ceresa, M Brambilla, JS Monrós, F Rizzolli, P Kranebitter
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1-12, 2020
Disentangling direct and indirect effects of local temperature on abundance of mountain birds and implications for understanding global change impacts
F Ceresa, P Kranebitter, JS Monrós, F Rizzolli, M Brambilla
PeerJ 9, e12560, 2021
Similar dispersal patterns between two closely related birds with contrasting migration strategies
F Ceresa, EJ Belda, JS Monrós
Population Ecology 58, 421-427, 2016
Does fragmentation of wetlands affect gene flow in sympatric Acrocephalus warblers with different migration strategies?
F Ceresa, EJ Belda, L Kvist, H Rguibi‐Idrissi, JS Monrós
Journal of Avian Biology 46 (6), 577-588, 2015
Differences in time and space use between two sympatric Acrocephalus warblers with similar diets
F Ceresa, EJ Belda, J Gómez, IJ Miñana, L Soler, J Villarroya, JS Monrós
Bird Study 63 (2), 172-180, 2016
Restricted dispersal and inbreeding in a high-elevation bird across the ‘sky islands’ of the European Alps
F Ceresa, M Brambilla, L Kvist, S Vitulano, M Pes, L Tomasi, P Pedrini, ...
Journal of Biogeography, 2024
Landscape characteristics influence regional dispersal in a high‐elevation specialist migratory bird, the water pipit Anthus spinoletta
F Ceresa, M Brambilla, L Kvist, S Vitulano, M Pes, L Tomasi, P Pedrini, ...
Molecular Ecology, 2023
Apomorphine as an emetic for insectivorous songbirds: effectiveness and post‐release effects on survival and mass change
F Ceresa, EJ Belda, JS Monrós
Journal of Field Ornithology 85 (2), 213-220, 2014
Factors shaping breeding phenology in birds: an assessment of two sympatric Acrocephalus warblers with different life histories
F Ceresa, EJ Belda, M Brambilla, J Gómez, C Mompó, JS Monrós
Ardeola 67 (2), 371-385, 2020
Lista Rossa 2020 degli uccelli nidificanti in Alto Adige
F Ceresa, P Kranebitter
Gredleriana 20, 57-70, 2020
Genetic differentiation between insular and continental populations of migratory and resident warblers, the Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus and Cetti’s …
F Ceresa, EJ Belda, L Kvist, M Kajanus, JS Monrós
Journal of Ornithology 159, 703-712, 2018
Variation in wing morphology is related to breeding environment in a high-elevation specialist bird
F Ceresa, S Vitulano, M Pes, L Tomasi, M Brambilla, L Kvist, P Pedrini, ...
Journal of Avian Biology, 2022
Current distribution and population size of the Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria in South Tyrol (Italy)
F Ceresa, M Anderle, L Hilpold, R Maistri, O Niederfriniger, R Sascor, ...
Avocetta, 2020
Floristische und faunistische Beobachtungen im Naturdenkmal Trumbichl (Feldthurns, Südtirol, Italien)
A Hilpold, S Gasser, S Ballini, F Ceresa, D Hofer, M Kahlen, T Kiebacher, ...
Gredleriana 17, 39-53, 2017
Breeding ecology and dispersal capability of wetland birds: a comparison between two Acrocephalus warblers with unsynchronized life histories
F Ceresa
University of Valencia, 2016
Wing morphology changes with habitat availability and elevation in an alpine-specialist bird
F Ceresa, M Brambilla, L Kvist, S Vitulano, M Pes, L Tomasi, P Pedrini, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 56, e03276, 2024
Unravelling the link between productivity and climate for two sympatric Acrocephalus warblers across Spain
P Lucio-Puig, R Muñoz-Mas, E Belda, J Gómez, F Ceresa, ...
Bird Study, 1-14, 2024
Population connectivity in high-elevation passerines: gene flow patterns and role of landscape characteristics
F Ceresa, M Brambilla, L Kvist, S Vitulano, M Pes, L Tomasi, P Pedrini, ...
21° Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia, 2023
Population connectivity in two high-elevation specialist birds
F Ceresa, M Brambilla, L Kvist, S Vitulano, M Pes, L Tomasi, P Pedrini, ...
13th European Ornithologists' Union, 2022
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