Lojalność klientów, PWE E Rudawska Warszawa 2005, 43, 2005 | 129 | 2005 |
Znaczenie relacji z klientami w procesie kształtowania wartości przedsiębiorstwa E Rudawska Rozprawy i Studia/Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2008 | 91 | 2008 |
Lojalność klientów E Rudawska Polskie Wydaw. Ekonomiczne, 2005 | 78 | 2005 |
Zarządzanie marketingowe E Frąckiewicz, J Karwowski, M Karwowski, E Rudawska PWE, Warszawa 189, 2004 | 70 | 2004 |
Sustainable marketing strategy in food and drink industry: a comparative analysis of B2B and B2C SMEs operating in Europe E Rudawska Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 34 (4), 875-890, 2019 | 69 | 2019 |
Sustainable business model in food and beverage industry–a case of Western and Central and Eastern European countries Z Belyaeva, ED Rudawska, Y Lopatkova British Food Journal 122 (5), 1573-1592, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
Customer loyalty towards traditional products–Polish market experience E Dorota Rudawska British Food Journal 116 (11), 1710-1725, 2014 | 55 | 2014 |
Servqual-metoda badania jakosci uslug i jej praktyczne zastosowanie E Rudawska, R Kiecko Marketing i Rynek 7 (05), 23-28, 2000 | 46 | 2000 |
Marketing zrównoważony–nowe oblicze kapitalizmu? E Rudawska Ekonomia, 75-88, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
From sustainable market orientation to sustainability marketing E Rudawska The sustainable marketing concept in European SMEs: Insights from the food …, 2018 | 29 | 2018 |
The development of food retail formats–evidence from Poland ED Rudawska, K Bilinska-Reformat British Food Journal 120 (2), 309-324, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |
The influence of environmental awareness on responsible energy consumption—the case of households in Poland M Jaciow, E Rudawska, A Sagan, J Tkaczyk, R Wolny Energies 15 (15), 5339, 2022 | 25 | 2022 |
CRM jako narzędzie zarządzania relacjami z klientem na rynku usług E Frąckiewicz, E Rudawska Rozprawy i Studia/Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2005 | 21 | 2005 |
The sustainable marketing concept in European SMEs: Insights from the food & drink industry E Rudawska Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
Hedonic or utilitarian buying behaviours-what values do young adult customers seek in online group buying? E Rudawska, K Petljak, I Stulec International Journal of Business Performance Management 16 (2-3), 182-197, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
Sustainable development: concept, interest groups, benefits and global challenges E Rudawska, S Renko, Y Bilan International journal of academic research (Azerbaijan) 5 (6), 83-86, 2013 | 20 | 2013 |
Zarządzanie relacjami z klientem z wykorzystaniem koncepcji Customer Relatonship Management E Frąckiewicz, E Rudawska Przegląd Organizacji, 65-68, 2004 | 18 | 2004 |
Koncepcja wartości w relacjach pracownik–organizacja E Rudawska Studia i Prace WNEiZ US, 393-405, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
Sustainability as the Direction for the Long-term Success in Banking: Poland vs. Croatia E Rudawska, S Renko Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia 11 (1), 97, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |
Sources of value for luxury secondhand and vintage fashion customers in Poland—from the perspective of its demographic characteristics E Rudawska, M Grębosz-Krawczyk, D Ryding Vintage luxury fashion: exploring the rise of the secondhand clothing trade …, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |