Depression in adolescence. AC Petersen, BE Compas, J Brooks-Gunn, M Stemmler, S Ey, KE Grant American psychologist 48 (2), 155, 1993 | 1553 | 1993 |
Approach and avoidant coping: Implications for adolescent mental health MA Herman-Stabl, M Stemmler, AC Petersen Journal of youth and adolescence 24 (6), 649-665, 1995 | 682 | 1995 |
Factors contributing to gender differences in depressive symptoms: A test of three developmental models I Seiffge-Krenke, M Stemmler Journal of youth and adolescence 31, 405-417, 2002 | 217 | 2002 |
The Alzheimer's disease activities of daily living international scale (ADL-IS) B Reisberg, S Finkel, J Overall, N Schmidt-Gollas, S Kanowski, H Lehfeld, ... International Psychogeriatrics 13 (2), 163-181, 2001 | 202 | 2001 |
Prävention von problemen des sozialverhaltens im vorschulalter F Lösel, A Beelmann, M Stemmler, S Jaursch Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie 35 (2), 127-139, 2006 | 159 | 2006 |
Coping with everyday stress and links to medical and psychosocial adaptation in diabetic adolescents I Seiffge-Krenke, M Stemmler Journal of Adolescent Health 33 (3), 180-188, 2003 | 122 | 2003 |
Long-term evaluation of a bimodal universal prevention program: Effects on antisocial development from kindergarten to adolescence F Lösel, M Stemmler, D Bender Journal of Experimental Criminology 9, 429-449, 2013 | 78 | 2013 |
Person-centered methods: Configural frequency analysis (CFA) and other methods for the analysis of contingency tables M Stemmler Springer Nature, 2020 | 67 | 2020 |
Zur Entwicklung externalisierender Verhaltensprobleme im Übergang vom Vor-zum Grundschulalter: Risikoeffekte des mütterlichen und väterlichen Erziehungsverhaltens A Beelmann, M Stemmler, F Lösel, S Jaursch Kindheit und Entwicklung 16 (4), 229-239, 2007 | 67 | 2007 |
Adolescents’ protection motivation and smoking behaviour J Thrul, M Stemmler, A Bühler, E Kuntsche Health education research 28 (4), 683-691, 2013 | 63 | 2013 |
Mütterliche Depressivität, Erziehung und kindliche Erlebens-und Verhaltensprobleme C Kötter, M Stemmler, A Bühler, F Lösel Kindheit und Entwicklung, 2010 | 55 | 2010 |
Efficient ways to impute incomplete panel data K Kleinke, M Stemmler, J Reinecke, F Lösel AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis 95, 351-373, 2011 | 52 | 2011 |
Preventing child behavior problems in the Erlangen-Nuremberg Development and Prevention Study: Results from preschool to secondary school age F Lösel, M Stemmler International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV) 6 (2), 214-224, 2012 | 50 | 2012 |
Skalen zur Messung sozialen Problemverhaltens bei Vorschul-und Grundschulkindern F Lösel, A Beelmann, M Stemmler Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: Institut für Psychologie, 2002 | 50 | 2002 |
Brainspotting–the efficacy of a new therapy approach for the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in comparison to Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing A Hildebrand, D Grand, M Stemmler Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology 5 (1), 2017 | 49 | 2017 |
Improving parenting practices in order to prevent child behavior problems: A study on parent training as part of the EFFEKT program M Stemmler, A Beelmann, S Jaursch, F Lösel International journal of hygiene and environmental health 210 (5), 563-570, 2007 | 49 | 2007 |
Soziale Kompetenz für Kinder und Familien: Ergebnisse der Erlangen-Nürnberger Entwicklungs-und Präventionsstudie F Lösel Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, 2004 | 49 | 2004 |
Universal prevention of antisocial development: Short-and long-term effects of a child-and parent-oriented program F Lösel, M Stemmler, S Jaursch, A Beelmann Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform 92 (2-3), 289-307, 2009 | 48 | 2009 |
Antisocial behavior and crime T Bliesener, A Beelmann, M Stemmler Hogrefe Publishing, 2012 | 46 | 2012 |
The stability of externalizing behavior in boys from preschool age to adolescence: A person-oriented analysis M Stemmler, F Lösel Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling 54 (2), 195, 2012 | 42 | 2012 |