Fabrizio Padula
Fabrizio Padula
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Tuning rules for optimal PID and fractional-order PID controllers
F Padula, A Visioli
Journal of process control 21 (1), 69-81, 2011
Optimal tuning rules for proportional-integral-derivative and fractional-order proportional-integral-derivative controllers for integral and unstable processes
F Padula, A Visioli
IET Control Theory & Applications 6 (6), 776-786, 2012
Optimized PID control of depth of hypnosis in anesthesia
F Padula, C Ionescu, N Latronico, M Paltenghi, A Visioli, G Vivacqua
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 144, 21-35, 2017
Advances in robust fractional control
F Padula, A Visioli
Springer International Publishing, 2015
Development and validation of a Kalman filter-based model for vehicle slip angle estimation
M Gadola, D Chindamo, M Romano, F Padula
Vehicle System Dynamics 52 (1), 68-84, 2014
An on-line path planner for industrial manipulators
F Padula, V Perdereau
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 10 (3), 156, 2013
Tuning rules for robust FOPID controllers based on multi-objective optimization with FOPDT models
HS Sánchez, F Padula, A Visioli, R Vilanova
ISA transactions 66, 344-361, 2017
The generalised isodamping approach for robust fractional PID controllers design
M Beschi, F Padula, A Visioli
International Journal of Control 90 (6), 1157-1164, 2017
Fractional robust PID control of a solar furnace
M Beschi, F Padula, A Visioli
Control Engineering Practice 56, 190-199, 2016
Inversion-based propofol dosing for intravenous induction of hypnosis
F Padula, C Ionescu, N Latronico, M Paltenghi, A Visioli, G Vivacqua
Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation 39, 481-494, 2016
Set‐point weight tuning rules for fractional‐order PID controllers
F Padula, A Visioli
Asian Journal of Control 15 (3), 678-690, 2013
Optimized PID control of propofol and remifentanil coadministration for general anesthesia
L Merigo, F Padula, N Latronico, M Paltenghi, A Visioli
Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation 72, 194-212, 2019
Simplified input-output inversion control of a double pendulum overhead crane for residual oscillations reduction
M Giacomelli, F Padula, L Simoni, A Visioli
Mechatronics 56, 37-47, 2018
Event-based control of depth of hypnosis in anesthesia
L Merigo, M Beschi, F Padula, N Latronico, M Paltenghi, A Visioli
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 147, 63-83, 2017
The novel Mechanical Ventilator Milano for the COVID-19 pandemic
A Abba, C Accorsi, P Agnes, E Alessi, P Amaudruz, A Annovi, ...
Physics of Fluids 33 (3), 2021
Synthesis of fractional-order PI controllers and fractional-order filters for industrial electrical drives
P Lino, G Maione, S Stasi, F Padula, A Visioli
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 4 (1), 58-69, 2017
optimization‐based fractional‐order PID controllers design
F Padula, R Vilanova, A Visioli
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 24 (17), 3009-3026, 2014
On the stabilizing PID controllers for integral processes
F Padula, A Visioli
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 57 (2), 494-499, 2011
H∞ control of fractional linear systems
F Padula, S Alcántara, R Vilanova, A Visioli
Automatica 49 (7), 2276-2280, 2013
Performance evaluation of an optimized PID controller for propofol and remifentanil coadministration in general anesthesia
M Schiavo, F Padula, N Latronico, L Merigo, M Paltenghi, A Visioli
IFAC Journal of Systems and Control 15, 100121, 2021
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