Optical and structural investigation of ZnO thin films prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) M Purica, E Budianu, E Rusu, M Danila, R Gavrila
Thin Solid Films 403, 485-488, 2002
211 2002 Multiphonon resonant Raman scattering in crystals and nanostructured layers VV Ursaki, IM Tiginyanu, VV Zalamai, EV Rusu, GA Emelchenko, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (15), 155204, 2004
144 2004 Preparation of poly (N-vinylpyrrolidone)-stabilized ZnO colloid nanoparticles T Gutul, E Rusu, N Condur, V Ursaki, E Goncearenco, P Vlazan
Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 5 (1), 402-406, 2014
108 2014 Post-spinel transformations and equation of state in : Determination at high pressure by in situ x-ray diffraction D Errandonea, RS Kumar, FJ Manjón, VV Ursaki, EV Rusu
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (2), 024103, 2009
100 2009 Functionalized individual ZnO microwire for natural gas detection GY Chai, O Lupan, EV Rusu, GI Stratan, VV Ursaki, V Şontea, H Khallaf, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 176, 64-71, 2012
88 2012 ZnO thin films on semiconductor substrate for large area photodetector applications M Purica, E Budianu, E Rusu
Thin Solid Films 383 (1-2), 284-286, 2001
86 2001 Heterojunction with ZnO polycrystalline thin films for optoelectronic devices applications M Purica, E Budianu, E Rusu
Microelectronic Engineering 51, 425-431, 2000
76 2000 Fabrication and characterization of an individual ZnO microwire-based UV photodetector GY Chai, L Chow, O Lupan, E Rusu, GI Stratan, H Heinrich, VV Ursaki, ...
Solid State Sciences 13 (5), 1205-1210, 2011
63 2011 Lattice dynamics of ZnAl2 O4 and ZnGa2 O4 under high pressure S López‐Moreno, P Rodríguez‐Hernández, A Muñoz, AH Romero, ...
Annalen der Physik 523 (1‐2), 157-167, 2011
59 2011 Exciton polariton spectra and carrier effective masses in ZnO single crystals NN Syrbu, IM Tiginyanu, VV Zalamai, VV Ursaki, EV Rusu
Physica B: Condensed Matter 353 (1-2), 111-115, 2004
49 2004 The impact of morphology upon the radiation hardness of ZnO layers A Burlacu, VV Ursaki, VA Skuratov, D Lincot, T Pauporte, H Elbelghiti, ...
Nanotechnology 19 (21), 215714, 2008
48 2008 Photoluminescence and resonant Raman scattering in highly conductive ZnO layers VV Zalamai, VV Ursaki, EV Rusu, P Arabadji, IM Tiginyanu, L Sirbu
Applied physics letters 84 (25), 5168-5170, 2004
44 2004 Luminescence properties of ZnGa2 O4 and ZnAl2 O4 spinels doped with Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions E Rusu, V Ursaki, G Novitschi, M Vasile, P Petrenco, L Kulyuk
physica status solidi c 6 (5), 1199-1202, 2009
38 2009 How to Improve the Performance of Porous Silicon‐Based Gas and Vapor Sensors? Approaches and Achievements G Korotcenkov, E Rusu
physica status solidi (a) 216 (22), 1900348, 2019
37 2019 Whispering gallery modes and random lasing in ZnO microstructures VV Ursaki, A Burlacu, EV Rusu, V Postolake, IM Tiginyanu
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 11 (7), 075001, 2009
36 2009 ZnO lasing in complex systems with tetrapods VM Markushev, VV Ursaki, MV Ryzhkov, CM Briskina, IM Tiginyanu, ...
Applied Physics B 93, 231-238, 2008
32 2008 Enhanced radiation hardness of ZnO nanorods versus bulk layers A Burlacu, VV Ursaki, D Lincot, VA Skuratov, T Pauporte, E Rusu, ...
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 2 (2), 68-70, 2008
28 2008 Optical characterization of hierarchical ZnO structures grown with a simplified vapour transport method VV Ursaki, EV Rusu, A Sarua, M Kuball, GI Stratan, A Burlacu, ...
Nanotechnology 18 (21), 215705, 2007
28 2007 A comparative study of guided modes and random lasing in ZnO nanorod structures VV Ursaki, VV Zalamai, A Burlacu, J Fallert, C Klingshirn, H Kalt, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (9), 095106, 2009
27 2009 Band structure and optical constants of SnS2 single crystals EV Rusu, NN Syrbu, AV Tiron, VV Zalamai
Materials Research Express 6 (4), 046203, 2019
25 2019