WK Wong
WK Wong
Curtin University Malaysia
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A review on metaheuristic algorithms: recent trends, benchmarking and applications
WK Wong, CI Ming
2019 7th International Conference on Smart Computing & Communications (ICSCC …, 2019
Multi-features capacitive hand gesture recognition sensor: A machine learning approach
WK Wong, FH Juwono, BTT Khoo
IEEE sensors journal 21 (6), 8441-8450, 2021
Safety helmet detection using deep learning: Implementation and comparative study using YOLOv5, YOLOv6, and YOLOv7
NDT Yung, WK Wong, FH Juwono, ZA Sim
2022 International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable …, 2022
Diabetes detection based on machine learning and deep learning approaches
BF Wee, S Sivakumar, KH Lim, WK Wong, FH Juwono
Multimedia Tools and Applications 83 (8), 24153-24185, 2024
A problem encapsulated: the rare peritoneal encapsulation syndrome
MH Chew, I Sophian Hadi, G Chan, HS Ong, WK Wong
Singapore medical journal 47 (9), 808, 2006
Vision-based malware detection: A transfer learning approach using optimal ecoc-svm configuration
WK Wong, FH Juwono, C Apriono
Ieee Access 9, 159262-159270, 2021
Machine learning for weed–plant discrimination in agriculture 5.0: An in-depth review
FH Juwono, WK Wong, S Verma, N Shekhawat, BA Lease, C Apriono
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture, 2023
Diabetic retinopathy detection and grading: A transfer learning approach using simultaneous parameter optimization and feature-weighted ECOC ensemble
WK Wong, FH Juwono, C Capriono
IEEE Access, 2023
IoT solution for smart library using facial recognition
M Upala, WK Wong
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 495 (1), 012030, 2019
Cyber-physical-social systems: An overview
R Reine, FH Juwono, ZA Sim, WK Wong
Smart Connected World: Technologies and Applications Shaping the Future, 25-45, 2021
Computational thinking and tinkering: exploration study of primary school students’ in robotic and graphical programming
A Felicia, S Sha’rif, WK Wong, M Mariappan
Asian Journal of Assessment in Teaching and Learning 7, 44-54, 2017
Electroencephalography (EEG) based control in assistive mobile robots: A review
NM Krishnan, M Mariappan, K Muthukaruppan, MHA Hijazi, WW Kitt
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 121 (1), 012017, 2016
Ovarian cancer detection using optimized machine learning models with adaptive differential evolution
FH Juwono, WK Wong, HT Pek, S Sivakumar, DD Acula
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 77, 103785, 2022
Flyback cascaded multilevel inverter based SHE-PWM control for STATCOM applications
K Law, W Ng, W Wong
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 8 (1), 100-108, 2017
SIR simulation of COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia: Will the vaccination program be effective?
WK Wong, FH Juwono, TH Chua
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.07494, 2021
Increasing role of IoT in education sector: A review of Internet of educational things (IoEdT)
A Felicia, WK Wong, WN Loh, FH Juwono
2021 international conference on green energy, computing and sustainable …, 2021
Innovation of assistive technologies in special education: A review
A Felicia, S Sharif, W Wong, M Marriappan
Journal of Enhanced Research in Educational Development 2 (3), 25-38, 2014
GA-Based Optimization for Multivariable Level Control System: A Case Study of Multi-Tank System
M Chew, FH Juwono, WK Wong
Engineering Journal 26 (5), 25-41, 2022
Newcomb-Benford law analysis on COVID-19 daily infection cases and deaths in Indonesia and Malaysia
WK Wong, FH Juwono, WN Loh, IY Ngu
Heritage and Sustainable Development 3 (2), 102-110, 2021
Probabilistic multi svm weed species classification for weed scouting and selective spot weeding
WK Wong, A Chekima, M Mariappan, B Khoo, M Nadarajan
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing Automation …, 2014
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