Keivan Ahmadi
Keivan Ahmadi
Associate Professor, University of Victoria
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Metal additive manufacturing: Technology, metallurgy and modelling
S Cooke, K Ahmadi, S Willerth, R Herring
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57, 978-1003, 2020
Modelling the dynamics of industrial robots for milling operations
HN Huynh, H Assadi, E Rivière-Lorphèvre, O Verlinden, K Ahmadi
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 61, 101852, 2020
Analytical stability lobes including nonlinear process damping effect on machining chatter
K Ahmadi, F Ismail
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 51 (4), 296-308, 2011
Modelling machine tool dynamics using a distributed parameter tool–holder joint interface
K Ahmadi, H Ahmadian
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 47 (12-13), 1916-1928, 2007
Stability lobes in milling including process damping and utilizing multi-frequency and semi-discretization methods
K Ahmadi, F Ismail
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 54, 46-54, 2012
Identification of machining process damping using output-only modal analysis
K Ahmadi, Y Altintas
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 136 (5), 051017, 2014
Stability of lateral, torsional and axial vibrations in drilling
K Ahmadi, Y Altintas
International journal of machine tools and manufacture 68, 63-74, 2013
Experimental investigation of process damping nonlinearity in machining chatter
K Ahmadi, F Ismail
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 50 (11), 1006-1014, 2010
Optimization of material removal rate in milling of thin-walled structures using penalty cost function
K Ringgaard, Y Mohammadi, C Merrild, O Balling, K Ahmadi
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 145, 103430, 2019
Machining chatter in flank milling
K Ahmadi, F Ismail
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 50 (1), 75-85, 2010
Modeling the mechanics and dynamics of arbitrary edge drills
K Ahmadi, A Savilov
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 89, 208-220, 2015
Frequency domain analysis of regenerative chatter in machine tools with linear time periodic dynamics
Y Mohammadi, K Ahmadi
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 120, 378-391, 2019
Chatter in milling with robots with structural nonlinearity
Y Mohammadi, K Ahmadi
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 167, 108523, 2022
Finite strip modeling of the varying dynamics of thin-walled pocket structures during machining
K Ahmadi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 89, 2691-2699, 2017
Modeling and identification of cutting forces in milling of carbon fibre reinforced polymers
R Mullin, M Farhadmanesh, A Ahmadian, K Ahmadi
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 280, 116595, 2020
Estimation of vibration stability in turning using operational modal analysis
S Kim, K Ahmadi
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 130, 315-332, 2019
Analytical investigation of machining chatter by considering the nonlinearity of process damping
K Ahmadi
Journal of Sound and Vibration 393, 252-264, 2017
Measurement of high-frequency milling forces using piezoelectric dynamometers with dynamic compensation
A Jullien-Corrigan, K Ahmadi
Precision Engineering 66, 1-9, 2020
Online identification of mechanistic milling force models
M Farhadmanesh, K Ahmadi
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 149, 107318, 2021
Effect of axial vibrations on regenerative chatter in robotic milling
Y Mohammadi, K Ahmadi
Procedia CIRP 82, 503-508, 2019
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