Mahler Cornelia
Mahler Cornelia
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IT-adoption and the interaction of task, technology and individuals: a fit framework and a case study
E Ammenwerth, C Iller, C Mahler
BMC medical informatics and decision making 6, 1-13, 2006
Strategies for reducing potentially avoidable hospitalizations for ambulatory care–sensitive conditions
T Freund, SM Campbell, S Geissler, CU Kunz, C Mahler, F Peters-Klimm, ...
The Annals of Family Medicine 11 (4), 363-370, 2013
Assessing reported adherence to pharmacological treatment recommendations. Translation and evaluation of the Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS) in Germany
C Mahler, K Hermann, R Horne, S Ludt, WE Haefeli, J Szecsenyi, S Jank
Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 16 (3), 574-579, 2010
Evaluating self‐efficacy for managing chronic disease: psychometric properties of the six‐item Self‐Efficacy Scale in Germany
T Freund, J Gensichen, K Goetz, J Szecsenyi, C Mahler
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (1), 39-43, 2013
The Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS): A problematic evaluative scale for the interprofessional field
C Mahler, S Berger, S Reeves
Journal of interprofessional care 29 (4), 289-291, 2015
Problems and needs for improving primary care of osteoarthritis patients: the views of patients, general practitioners and practice nurses
T Rosemann, M Wensing, K Joest, M Backenstrass, C Mahler, ...
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 7, 1-9, 2006
Position statement GMA Comittee–“Interprofessional Education for the Health Care Professions”
U Walkenhorst, C Mahler, R Aistleithner, EG Hahn, S Kaap-Fröhlich, ...
GMS Zeitschrift für medizinische Ausbildung 32 (2), 2015
Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale (AITCS): further testing and instrument revision
C Orchard, LL Pederson, E Read, C Mahler, H Laschinger
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 38 (1), 11-18, 2018
Effects of a computer-based nursing documentation system on the quality of nursing documentation
C Mahler, E Ammenwerth, A Wagner, A Tautz, T Happek, B Hoppe, ...
Journal of Medical Systems 31, 274-282, 2007
Patients' beliefs about medicines in a primary care setting in Germany
C Mahler, K Hermann, R Horne, S Jank, WE Haefeli, J Szecsenyi
Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 18 (2), 409-413, 2012
Medical assistant–based care management for high-risk patients in small primary care practices: a cluster randomized clinical trial
T Freund, F Peters-Klimm, CM Boyd, C Mahler, J Gensichen, A Erler, ...
Annals of internal medicine 164 (5), 323-330, 2016
Nursing process documentation systems in clinical routine—prerequisites and experiences
E Ammenwerth, U Kutscha, A Kutscha, C Mahler, R Eichstädter, R Haux
International journal of medical informatics 64 (2-3), 187-200, 2001
Internationally trained nurses and host nurses’ perceptions of safety culture, work-life-balance, burnout, and job demand during workplace integration: a cross-sectional study
C Roth, S Berger, K Krug, C Mahler, M Wensing
BMC nursing 20, 1-15, 2021
Internal consistency of the readiness for interprofessional learning scale in German health care students and professionals
C Mahler, J Rochon, S Karstens, J Szecsenyi, K Hermann
BMC medical education 14, 1-7, 2014
Keeping nurses in nursing: a qualitative study of German nurses’ perceptions of push and pull factors to leave or stay in the profession
C Roth, M Wensing, A Breckner, C Mahler, K Krug, S Berger
BMC nursing 21 (1), 48, 2022
Terminology for interprofessional collaboration: definition and current practice
C Mahler, T Gutmann, S Karstens, S Joos
GMS Zeitschrift für medizinische Ausbildung 31 (4), 2014
Primary care practice-based care management for chronically ill patients (PraCMan): study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN56104508]
T Freund, F Peters-Klimm, J Rochon, C Mahler, J Gensichen, A Erler, ...
Trials 12, 1-9, 2011
Impact of an interprofessional training ward on interprofessional competencies–a quantitative longitudinal study
J Mink, A Mitzkat, K Krug, A Mihaljevic, B Trierweiler-Hauke, B Götsch, ...
Journal of interprofessional care 35 (5), 751-759, 2021
Position statement GMA Committee--
U Walkenhorst, C Mahler, R Aistleithner, EG Hahn, S Kaap-Fröhlich, ...
GMS Zeitschrift fur medizinische Ausbildung, 2015
Begrifflichkeiten für die Zusammenarbeit in den Gesundheitsberufen--Definition und gängige Praxis.
C Mahler, T Gutmann, S Karstens, S Joos
GMS Zeitschrift für medizinische Ausbildung 31 (4), 2014
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