Timur V. Tropin
Timur V. Tropin
EMBL Hamburg
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Structural Features of Molecular-Colloidal Solutions of C60 Fullerenes in Water by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
MV Avdeev, AA Khokhryakov, TV Tropin, GV Andrievsky, VK Klochkov, ...
Langmuir 20 (11), 4363-4368, 2004
Pore structures in shungites as revealed by small-angle neutron scattering
MV Avdeev, TV Tropin, VL Aksenov, L Rosta, VM Garamus, NN Rozhkova
Carbon 44 (5), 954-961, 2006
Modern aspects of the kinetic theory of glass transition
TV Tropin, JW Schmelzer, VL Aksenov
Physics-Uspekhi 59 (1), 42, 2016
Models of cluster formation in solutions of fullerenes
MV Avdeev, VL Aksenov, TV Tropin
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A 84, 1273-1283, 2010
On the dependence of the properties of glasses on cooling and heating rates: I. Entropy, entropy production, and glass transition temperature
TV Tropin, JWP Schmelzer, C Schick
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 357 (4), 1291-1302, 2011
Glass transition, crystallization of glass-forming melts, and entropy
J Schmelzer, T Tropin
Entropy 20 (2), 103, 2018
Heat capacity measurements and modeling of polystyrene glass transition in a wide range of cooling rates
TV Tropin, G Schulz, JWP Schmelzer, C Schick
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 409, 63-75, 2015
Formation of fullerene clusters in the system C60/NMP/water by SANS
VL Aksenov, MV Avdeev, TV Tropin, MV Korobov, NV Kozhemyakina, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 385, 795-797, 2006
Formation of fullerene clusters in the system C60/NMP/water by SANS
VL Aksenov, MV Avdeev, TV Tropin, MV Korobov, NV Kozhemyakina, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 385, 795-797, 2006
Effects of glass transition and structural relaxation on crystal nucleation: Theoretical description and model analysis
JWP Schmelzer, TV Tropin, VM Fokin, AS Abyzov, ED Zanotto
Entropy 22 (10), 1098, 2020
Kinetic criteria of glass-formation, pressure dependence of the glass-transition temperature, and the Prigogine–Defay ratio
JWP Schmelzer, TV Tropin
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 407, 170-178, 2015
Kinetics of cluster growth in polar solutions of fullerene: Experimental and theoretical study of C60/NMP solution
TV Tropin, N Jargalan, MV Avdeev, OA Kyzyma, RA Eremin, D Sangaa, ...
Journal of Molecular Liquids 175, 4-11, 2012
On the dependence of the properties of glasses on cooling and heating rates II: Prigogine–Defay ratio, fictive temperature and fictive pressure
TV Tropin, JWP Schmelzer, C Schick
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 357 (4), 1303-1309, 2011
Aggregation in C60/NMP, C60/NMP/water and C60/NMP/Toluene Mixtures
OA Kyzyma, LA Bulavin, VL Aksenov, TV Tropin, MV Avdeev, MV Korobov, ...
Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 16 (5-6), 610-615, 2008
Dependence of the width of the glass transition interval on cooling and heating rates
JWP Schmelzer, TV Tropin
The Journal of Chemical Physics 138 (3), 2013
Absorption Characteristics of Fullerene C60 in N-Methyl-2-Pirrolidone/Toluene Mixture
TO Kyrey, OA Kyzyma, MV Avdeev, TV Tropin, MV Korobov, VL Aksenov, ...
Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 20 (4-7), 341-344, 2012
Nucleation theory models for describing kinetics of cluster growth in C60/NMP solutions
TV Tropin, MV Avdeev, OA Kyzyma, VL Aksenov
physica status solidi (b) 247 (11‐12), 3022-3025, 2010
Experimental investigation of C60/NMP/toluene solutions by UV-Vis spectroscopy and small-angle neutron scattering
TV Tropin, TO Kyrey, OA Kyzyma, AV Feoktistov, MV Avdeev, LA Bulavin, ...
Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques …, 2013
On the theoretical determination of the Prigogine-Defay ratio in glass transition
TV Tropin, JWP Schmelzer, I Gutzow, C Schick
The Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (12), 2012
Organization of fullerene clusters in the system C60/N-metyl-2-pyrrolidone
OA Kyzyma, LA Bulavin, VL Aksenov, MV Avdeev, TV Tropin, MV Korobov, ...
Mater. Struct 15, 17, 2008
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Artikel 1–20