Piia Björn
Piia Björn
Vice Rector (Education), University of Lapland, Finland
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The association between mathematical word problems and reading comprehension
PM Vilenius‐Tuohimaa, K Aunola, JE Nurmi
Educational Psychology 28 (4), 409-426, 2008
The many faces of special education within RTI frameworks in the United States and Finland
PM Björn, MT Aro, TK Koponen, LS Fuchs, DH Fuchs
Learning disability quarterly 39 (1), 58-66, 2016
Primary school text comprehension predicts mathematical word problem-solving skills in secondary school
PM Björn, K Aunola, JE Nurmi
Educational Psychology 36 (2), 362-377, 2016
The role of literacy skills in adolescents' mathematics word problem performance: Controlling for visuo-spatial ability and mathematics anxiety
M Kyttälä, PM Björn
Learning and Individual Differences 29, 59-66, 2014
Prior mathematics achievement, cognitive appraisals and anxiety as predictors of Finnish students’ later mathematics performance and career orientation
M Kyttälä, PM Björn
Educational Psychology 30 (4), 431-448, 2010
Pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy in implementing inclusive practices and resilience in Finland
A Yada, PM Björn, P Savolainen, M Kyttälä, M Aro, H Savolainen
Teaching and Teacher Education 105, 103398, 2021
Response-to-intervention in Finland and the United States: Mathematics learning support as an example
PM Björn, M Aro, T Koponen, LS Fuchs, D Fuchs
Frontiers in psychology 9, 800, 2018
The concordance between teachers’ and parents’ perceptions of school transition practices: A solid base for the future
A Ahtola, PM Björn, T Turunen, PL Poikonen, M Kontoniemi, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 60 (2), 168-181, 2016
Participation, involvement and peer relationships in children with special educational needs in early childhood education
T Kuutti, N Sajaniemi, PM Björn, N Heiskanen, J Reunamo
European Journal of Special Needs Education 37 (4), 587-602, 2022
Oppimisen ja koulunkäynnin tuki-erityisopetusta, ohjausta ja suunnitelmallista yhteistyötä
P Björn, H Savolainen, M Jahnukainen
Ohjaus ja erityisopetus oppijoiden tukena, 47-63, 2017
Preservice and inservice teachers’ knowledge of language constructs in Finland
M Aro, PM Björn
Annals of Dyslexia 66, 111-126, 2016
Mathematics-related emotions among Finnish adolescents across different performance levels
ME Holm, MS Hannula, PM Björn
Educational Psychology 37 (2), 205-218, 2017
The work of special education teachers in the tiered support system: The Finnish case
A Paloniemi, J Pulkkinen, E Kärnä, PM Björn
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 67 (1), 35-50, 2023
Achievement emotions among adolescents receiving special education support in mathematics
ME Holm, PM Björn, A Laine, J Korhonen, MS Hannula
Learning and Individual Differences 79, 101851, 2020
Interventiovastemallien tarjoamat mahdollisuudet kolmiportaisen tuen mallin kehittämiseen: esimerkkinä matematiikan oppimisen tuki
PM Björn, M Aro, T Koponen
Oppimisen ja oppimisvaikeuksien erityislehti 25 (3), 2015
Accelerating mathematics word problemsolving performance and efficacy with think-aloud strategies
LS Fuchs, A Äikäs, PM Björn, M Kyttälä, A Hakkarainen
South African Journal of Childhood Education 9 (1), 1-10, 2019
Assessment conceptions of Finnish pre-service teachers
M Kyttälä, PM Björn, M Rantamäki, S Lehesvuori, V Närhi, M Aro, ...
European Journal of Teacher Education 47 (3), 529-547, 2024
Working memory resources in children: Stability and relation to subsequent academic skills
M Kyttälä, K Kanerva, I Munter, PM Björn
Educational Psychology 39 (6), 709-728, 2019
Managing epistemic imbalances in peer interaction during mathematics lessons
A Kämäräinen, P Björn, L Eronen, E Kärnä
Discourse Studies 21 (3), 280-299, 2019
Big-fish-little-pond effect on achievement emotions in relation to mathematics performance and gender
ME Holm, J Korhonen, A Laine, PM Björn, MS Hannula
International Journal of Educational Research 104, 101692, 2020
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