Peter Nelson
Peter Nelson
Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University
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Field studies of the storm event hydrologic response in an urbanizing watershed
JA Smith, ML Baeck, KL Meierdiercks, PA Nelson, AJ Miller, EJ Holland
Water resources research 41 (10), 2005
Response of bed surface patchiness to reductions in sediment supply
PA Nelson, JG Venditti, WE Dietrich, JW Kirchner, H Ikeda, F Iseya, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 114 (F2), 2009
Mobilization of coarse surface layers in gravel‐bedded rivers by finer gravel bed load
JG Venditti, WE Dietrich, PA Nelson, MA Wydzga, J Fadde, L Sklar
Water Resources Research 46 (7), 2010
Translation and dispersion of sediment pulses in flume experiments simulating gravel augmentation below dams
LS Sklar, J Fadde, JG Venditti, P Nelson, MA Wydzga, Y Cui, WE Dietrich
Water resources research 45 (8), 2009
Application of Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry in laboratory flumes
JA Morgan, DJ Brogan, PA Nelson
Geomorphology 276, 125-143, 2017
Effect of sediment pulse grain size on sediment transport rates and bed mobility in gravel bed rivers
JG Venditti, WE Dietrich, PA Nelson, MA Wydzga, J Fadde, L Sklar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 115 (F3), 2010
Extraordinary flood response of a small urban watershed to short-duration convective rainfall
JA Smith, AJ Miller, ML Baeck, PA Nelson, GT Fisher, KL Meierdiercks
Journal of Hydrometeorology 6 (5), 599-617, 2005
Evolution of channel morphology and hydrologic response in an urbanizing drainage basin
PA Nelson, JA Smith, AJ Miller
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2006
Bed topography and the development of forced bed surface patches
PA Nelson, WE Dietrich, JG Venditti
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 115 (F4), 2010
Alternate bar response to sediment supply termination
JG Venditti, PA Nelson, JT Minear, J Wooster, WE Dietrich
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 117 (F2), 2012
Morphodynamic response of a variable‐width channel to changes in sediment supply
PA Nelson, AK Brew, JA Morgan
Water Resources Research 51 (7), 5717-5734, 2015
Redistribution of pyrogenic carbon from hillslopes to stream corridors following a large montane wildfire
MF Cotrufo, CM Boot, S Kampf, PA Nelson, DJ Brogan, T Covino, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30 (9), 1348-1355, 2016
Effects of urbanization on flow duration and stream flashiness: a case study of Puget Sound streams, western Washington, USA
TT Rosburg, PA Nelson, BP Bledsoe
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 53 (2), 493-507, 2017
Sediment patches, sediment supply, and channel morphology
WE Dietrich, PA Nelson, E Yager, JG Venditti, MP Lamb, L Collins
River Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics 1, 79-90, 2005
How do geomorphic effects of rainfall vary with storm type and spatial scale in a post-fire landscape?
SK Kampf, DJ Brogan, S Schmeer, LH MacDonald, PA Nelson
Geomorphology 273, 39-51, 2016
Bedforms, structures, patches, and sediment supply in gravel‐bed rivers
JG Venditti, PA Nelson, RW Bradley, D Haught, AB Gitto
Gravel‐bed rivers: Processes and disasters, 439-466, 2017
Delineation of river bed-surface patches by clustering high-resolution spatial grain size data
PA Nelson, D Bellugi, WE Dietrich
Geomorphology 205, 102-119, 2014
Modeling the evolution of bedrock channel shape with erosion from saltating bed load
PA Nelson, G Seminara
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (17), 2011
Catastrophic flooding from an orographic thunderstorm in the central Appalachians
NS Hicks, JA Smith, AJ Miller, PA Nelson
Water Resources Research 41 (12), 2005
A theoretical framework for the morphodynamics of bedrock channels
PA Nelson, G Seminara
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (6), 2012
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