Amy Watson
Amy Watson
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Speed breeding is a powerful tool to accelerate crop research and breeding
A Watson, S Ghosh, MJ Williams, WS Cuddy, J Simmonds, MD Rey, ...
Nature plants 4 (1), 23-29, 2018
Speed breeding in growth chambers and glasshouses for crop breeding and model plant research
S Ghosh, A Watson, OE Gonzalez-Navarro, RH Ramirez-Gonzalez, ...
Nature protocols 13 (12), 2944-2963, 2018
Speed breeding is a powerful tool to accelerate crop research and breeding. Nat Plants 4: 23–29
A Watson, S Ghosh, MJ Williams, WS Cuddy, J Simmonds, MD Rey, ...
Multivariate genomic selection and potential of rapid indirect selection with speed breeding in spring wheat
A Watson, LT Hickey, J Christopher, J Rutkoski, J Poland, BJ Hayes
Crop Science 59 (5), 1945-1959, 2019
Genetic and environmental control of fruit maturation, dry matter and firmness in apple (Malus× domestica Borkh.)
D Chagné, D Dayatilake, R Diack, M Oliver, H Ireland, A Watson, ...
Horticulture Research 1, 2014
Trehalose 6-phosphate signalling and impact on crop yield
MJ Paul, A Watson, CA Griffiths
Biochemical Society Transactions 48 (5), 2127-2137, 2020
Key flowering genes including FT-like genes are upregulated in the vasculature of apple dwarfing rootstocks
TM Foster, AE Watson, BM van Hooijdonk, RJ Schaffer
Tree genetics & genomes 10 (1), 189-202, 2014
Linking fundamental science to crop improvement through understanding source and sink traits and their integration for yield enhancement
MJ Paul, A Watson, CA Griffiths
Journal of Experimental Botany 71 (7), 2270-2280, 2020
“SpeedGS” to accelerate genetic gain in spring wheat
KP Voss-Fels, E Herzog, S Dreisigacker, S Sukumaran, A Watson, ...
Applications of genetic and genomic research in cereals, 303-327, 2019
Selection of low-variance expressed Malus x domestica (apple) genes for use as quantitative PCR reference genes (housekeepers)
J Bowen, HS Ireland, R Crowhurst, Z Luo, AE Watson, T Foster, N Gapper, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 10, 751-759, 2014
Speed breeding is a powerful tool to accelerate crop research and breeding. Nat Plants 4 (1): 23–29
A Watson, S Ghosh, MJ Williams, WS Cuddy, J Simmonds, MD Rey, ...
Gene‐based mapping of trehalose biosynthetic pathway genes reveals association with source‐and sink‐related yield traits in a spring wheat panel
DH Lyra, CA Griffiths, A Watson, R Joynson, G Molero, AA Igna, ...
Food and Energy Security 10 (3), e292, 2021
Rootstocks affect pear (Pyrus communis) tree growth through extent of node neoformation and flowering with key differences to apple
AE Watson, AN Seleznyova, GA Dayatilake, DS Tustin
Functional Plant Biology 39 (6), 493-502, 2012
After initial invigoration by heading, young pear trees show reduction in axis vigour and increased propensity to flower
AN Seleznyova, GA Dayatilake, AE Watson, DS Tustin
Functional Plant Biology 40 (1), 34-43, 2012
Integrating genomic selection and speed breeding to increase genetic gain in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) Breeding
AE Watson
Target enrichment sequencing coupled with GWAS identifies MdPRX10 as a candidate gene in the control of budbreak in apple
AE Watson, B Guitton, A Soriano, R Rivallan, H Vignes, I Farrera, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 15, 1352757, 2024
Speed Breeding with Genomic Selection to Accelerate Wheat Variety Development
A Watson
Plant and Animal Genome XXVI Conference (January 13-17, 2018), 2018
Use of mRNA-seq data to select Malus× domestica (apple) genes for use as quantitative PCR reference genes
JH Bowen, RJ Schaffer, HS Ireland, R Crowhurst, Z Luo, AE Watson, ...
XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives …, 2014
Exploitation of genetic variability in an apple core collection to characterise floral induction and phenology
A Watson, A Soriano, I Farrera, V Segura, E Costes, F Andrés
Analysis of a gene regulatory network underlying floral transition in apple
K Jeong, C Foray, J Estevan, A Watson, G Perez, K Loridon, JJ Kelner, ...
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