ipung permadi
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Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Laboratorium (SILAB) Berbasis Web di Teknik Informatika UNSOED
L Afuan, I Permadi
Prosiding Sains Nasional dan Teknologi 1 (1), 2013
Keanekaragaman tanaman obat sebagai larvasida dalam upaya pengendalian vektor Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD)
IGWDS Permadi
Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Lingkungan 5 (1), 12-16, 2013
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Perekomendasian Oli Menggunakan Fuzzy MADM
AK Nugroho, I Permadi, A Hanifa
Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika: JANAPATI 9 (1), 63-72, 2020
Kontainer larva Aedes sp. Di desa saung naga Kabupaten ogan komering ulu sumatera selatan tahun 2012
IGWDS Permadi
Aspirator Journal of Vector-Borne Diseases 5 (1), 54277, 2013
I Permadi
Applying of Genetic Algorithm for Scheduling Optimation Cuts Away Forest …, 2010
Improvement Of Image Quality Using Convolutional Neural Networks Method
AK Nugroho, I Permadi, M Faturrahim
Sci. J. Informatics 9 (1), 95-103, 2022
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kesehatan Tanah Dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting
AK Nugroho, I Permadi, N Nofiyati, SHN Ulfa
Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT 4 (1), 61-69, 2019
Prediction of the Amount of Pepper Harvest by Using Fuzzy Associative Memory
I Permadi, AK Nugroho, MR Rachmat
Jurnal Teknik Informatika (Jutif) 3 (1), 177-182, 2022
Implementasi Jalur Pendek Menggunakan Ant Colony Optimization
AK Nugroho, I Permadi
Dinamika Rekayasa 16 (1), 61-68, 2020
Klasifikasi Citra Menggunakan Kombinasi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Model Perceptron dan Algoritma One vs Rest
I Permadi, AK Nugroho
Jurnal Inovtek Polbeng Seri Informatika 4 (2), 193-200, 2019
Ant Colony Optimization Untuk Menyeleksi Fitur Dan Klasifikasi Artikel
I Permadi
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer 10 (1), 223-232, 2019
Optimizing course scheduling faculty of engineering unsoed using genetic algorithms
AK Nugroho, I Permadi, AR Yasifa
JITK (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Komputer) 7 (2), 91-98, 2022
Identifikasi Nyamuk Dewasa pada Buah Kelapa di Kelurahan Kemelak Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu
IGWS Permadi, LP Ambarita, Y Yahya
Bioma: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi 7 (2), 153-160, 2018
Probabilistic Ant Colony Optimization for Contour Detection of Psoriasis
AK Nugroho, I Permadi, A Hanifa
Proceeding International Conference on Science and Engineering 3, 179-182, 2020
Composite Image with a Geographic Information System Approach
AK Nugroho, I Permadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 406 (1), 012020, 2019
Implementation of the ELECTRE Method in the Recommendation System and API Service Provision for Tourist Destinations in Banyumas Regency with Interactive Mapping
GS Pramudya, I Permadi, N Chasanah
Jurnal Teknik Informatika (Jutif) 5 (1), 211-219, 2024
Prediction of patient length of stay using random forest method based on the Indonesian national health insurance
A Hanifa, YI Kurniawan, JH Husen, AK Nugroho, I Permadi
Jurnal Infotel 15 (3), 233-240, 2023
Performan Ayam yang Diberi Pakan Additive
IGWDS Permadi, R Novita, RI Altandjung
Jurnal Sains Peternakan 11 (1), 54-57, 2023
Decision tree using ant colony for classification of health data
AK Nugroho, I Permadi, YI Kurniawan, A Hanifa, N Nofiyati
AIP Conference Proceedings 2482 (1), 2023
Development Of Final Study Management System Backend Integrated Sia In Faculty Of Engineering University Of General Soedirman
HZ Prayoga, I Permadi
Jurnal Teknik Informatika (Jutif) 3 (2), 447-456, 2022
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