Amin Farrokhabadi
Amin Farrokhabadi
Research Associate, KU Leuven University, Belgium
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Experimental and numerical analysis of novel multi-layer sandwich panels under three point bending load
A Farrokhabadi, SA Taghizadeh, H Madadi, H Norouzi, A Ataei
Composite Structures 250, 112631, 2020
Characterization of compressive behavior of PVC foam infilled composite sandwich panels with different corrugated core shapes
SA Taghizadeh, A Farrokhabadi, G Liaghat, E Pedram, H Malekinejad, ...
Thin-Walled Structures 135, 160-172, 2019
A numerical method to evaluate the material properties degradation in composite RVEs due to fiber-matrix debonding and induced matrix cracking
M Naghdinasab, A Farrokhabadi, H Madadi
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 146, 84-95, 2018
Theoretical modeling of the Casimir force-induced instability in freestanding nanowires with circular cross-section
A Farrokhabadi, N Abadian, R Rach, M Abadyan
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 63, 67-80, 2014
Analytical solution of piezoelectric energy harvester patch for various thin multilayer composite beams
A Paknejad, G Rahimi, A Farrokhabadi, MM Khatibi
Composite Structures 154, 694-706, 2016
Modeling the static response and pull-in instability of CNT nanotweezers under the Coulomb and van der Waals attractions
A Farrokhabadi, R Rach, M Abadyan
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 53, 137-145, 2013
Investigation of novel multi-layer sandwich panels under quasi-static indentation loading using experimental and numerical analyses
SA Taghizadeh, M Naghdinasab, H Madadi, A Farrokhabadi
Thin-Walled Structures 160, 107326, 2021
Investigation of the energy absorption capacity of foam-filled 3D-printed glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic auxetic honeycomb structures
A Farrokhabadi, H Veisi, H Gharehbaghi, J Montesano, AH Behravesh, ...
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 30 (4), 758-769, 2023
Investigation of debonding growth between composite skins and corrugated foam-composite core in sandwich panels under bending loading
HM Bahabadi, A Farrokhabadi, GH Rahimi
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 230, 106987, 2020
A generalized micromechanical approach for the analysis of transverse crack and induced delamination in composite laminates
A Farrokhabadi, H Hosseini-Toudeshky, B Mohammadi
Composite Structures 93 (2), 443-455, 2011
Modeling the instability of CNT tweezers using a continuum model
A Farrokhabadi, A Koochi, M Abadyan
Microsystem Technologies 20, 291-302, 2014
Pull-in instability of double clamped microbeams under dispersion forces in the presence of thermal and residual stress effects using nonlocal elasticity theory
F Tavakolian, A Farrokhabadi, M Mirzaei
Microsystem Technologies 23, 839-848, 2017
Micromechanical prediction of damage due to transverse ply cracking under fatigue loading in composite laminates
B Mohammadi, M Rohanifar, D Salimi-Majd, A Farrokhabadi
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 36 (5), 377-395, 2017
Damage analysis of laminated composites using a new coupled micro‐meso approach
A Farrokhabadi, H Hosseini‐Toudeshky, B Mohammadi
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 33 (7), 420-435, 2010
The influence of dispersion forces on the size-dependent pull-in instability of general cantilever nano-beams containing geometrical non-linearity
M SoltanRezaee, A Farrokhabadi, MR Ghazavi
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 119, 114-124, 2016
Experimental and analytical studies of mechanical properties of additively manufactured lattice structure based on octagonal bipyramid cubic unit cell
M Sadeghzade, H Gharehbaghi, A Farrokhabadi
Additive Manufacturing 48, 102403, 2021
Investigation of the equivalent material properties and failure stress of the re-entrant composite lattice structures using an analytical model
H Veisi, A Farrokhabadi
Composite Structures 257, 113161, 2021
Development a refined numerical model for evaluating the matrix cracking and induced delamination formation in cross-ply composite laminates
H Madadi, A Farrokhabadi
Composite Structures 200, 12-24, 2018
The influence of the surface energy on the instability behavior of NEMS structures in presence of intermolecular attractions
A Mohebshahedin, A Farrokhabadi
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 101, 437-448, 2015
Modeling the size dependent instability of NEMS sensor/actuator made of nano-wire with circular cross-section
A Koochi, A Farrokhabadi, M Abadyan
Microsystem Technologies 21, 355-364, 2015
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