Marta Łukowska
Marta Łukowska
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Katowice
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Unconscious integration of multisensory bodily inputs in the peripersonal space shapes bodily self-consciousness
R Salomon, JP Noel, M Łukowska, N Faivre, T Metzinger, A Serino, ...
Cognition 166, 174-183, 2017
Right insular damage decreases heartbeat awareness and alters cardio-visual effects on bodily self-consciousness.
R Ronchi, J Bello-Ruiz, M Lukowska, B Herbelin, I Cabrilo, K Schaller, ...
Neuropsychologia 70, 11–20, 2015
Multisensory simultaneity judgment and proximity to the body
JP Noel, M Łukowska, M Wallace, A Serino
Journal of Vision 16 (3), 21-21, 2016
Rubber hand illusion reduces discomfort caused by cold stimulus
M Siedlecka, A Klimza, M Łukowska, M Wierzchoń
PloS one 9 (10), e109909, 2014
An invisible touch: Body-related multisensory conflicts modulate visual consciousness
R Salomon, G Galli, M Łukowska, N Faivre, JB Ruiz, O Blanke
Neuropsychologia 88, 131-139, 2016
Error-related cardiac response as information for visibility judgements
M Łukowska, M Sznajder, M Wierzchoń
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 1131, 2018
Rubber hand illusion increases pain caused by electric stimuli
M Siedlecka, N Spychała, M Łukowska, K Wiercioch, M Wierzchoń
The Journal of Pain 19 (1), 35-45, 2018
Zastosowanie technologii wirtualnej rzeczywistości w psychologii
M Łukowska
Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, 103-108, 2011
Guidelines for quantitative and qualitative studies of sensory substitution experience
W Kałwak, M Reuter, M Łukowska, B Majchrowicz, M Wierzchoń
Adaptive Behavior 26 (3), 111-127, 2018
Colorophone 2.0: A Wearable Color Sonification Device Generating Live Stereo-Soundscapes—Design, Implementation, and Usability Audit
D Osiński, M Łukowska, DR Hjelme, M Wierzchoń
Sensors 21 (21), 7351, 2021
Evidence toward the potential absence of relationship between temporal and spatial heartbeats perception
B Sophie, Ł Marta, S Marta, K Joshua, G Sarah, C Hugo
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 10759, 2021
Ucieleśnione poznanie
M Wierzchoń, M Łukowska
Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM, 2016
How to teach a blind person to hear colours? Multi-method training for a colour-to-sound sensory substitution device–design and evaluation
M Łukowska, W Kałwak, D Osiński, J Janik, M Wierzchoń
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 168, 102925, 2022
Feeling the beat: Temporal and spatial perception of heartbeat sensations
S Betka, M Łukowska, M Silva, J King, S Garfinkel, H Critchley
BioRxiv, 2020.07. 27.222810, 2020
Python online and offline ECG QRS detector based on the Pan-Tomkins algorithm, July 2017
M Sznajder, M Łukowska
URL https://zenodo. org/record/826614#. WuBhhohuZPY, 0
Better act than see: individual differences in sensorimotor contingencies acquisition and (meta) cognitive strategies between users of a colour-to-sound sensory substitution device
M Łukowska, D Osiński, K Ciupińska, K Hat, P Gwiaździński, ...
Available at SSRN 4113324, 2021
Colorophone 2.2–A Spatial, Real-Time Color-to-Sound Sensory Substitution Device
D Osinski, M Łukowska, W Kałwak, M Wierzchoń, DR Hjelme
Authorea Preprints, 2024
Poza ciało: różnice indywidualne w podatności na eksterioryzację
M Łukowska
Rocznik Kognitywistyczny 7, 31–41, 2014
Dynamika procesu zanurzenia przestrzennego w środowisko wirtualne w kontekście przerzutności uwagi oraz skłonności do pochłonięcia.
M Łukowska
Relationship between interoceptive awareness and metacognitive abilities in near-threshold visual perception
M Łukowska
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