Olivia Bina
Olivia Bina
ICS University of Lisbon, GRM Chinese University of Hong Kong, World Academy of Art & Science
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The green economy and sustainable development: an uneasy balance?
O Bina
Environment and planning C: Government and policy 31 (6), 1023-1047, 2013
New agendas for appraisal: reflections on theory, practice, and research
S Owens, T Rayner, O Bina
Environment and Planning A 36 (11), 1943-1959, 2004
A critical review of the dominant lines of argumentation on the need for strategic environmental assessment
O Bina
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 27 (7), 585-606, 2007
Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there
I Fazey, N Schäpke, G Caniglia, A Hodgson, I Kendrick, C Lyon, G Page, ...
Energy research & social science 70, 101724, 2020
Inner transformation to sustainability as a deep leverage point: fostering new avenues for change through dialogue and reflection
C Woiwode, N Schäpke, O Bina, S Veciana, I Kunze, O Parodi, ...
Sustainability Science 16, 841-858, 2021
Who is doing inter-and transdisciplinary research, and why? An empirical study of motivations, attitudes, skills, and behaviours
MH Guimarães, C Pohl, O Bina, M Varanda
Futures 112, 102441, 2019
Promise and shortcomings of a green turn in recent policy responses to the “double crisis”
O Bina, F La Camera
Ecological Economics 70 (12), 2308-2316, 2011
Context and systems: thinking more broadly about effectiveness in strategic environmental assessment in China
O Bina
Environmental management 42 (4), 717-733, 2008
Theorising Strategic Environmental Assessment: Fresh Perspectives and Future Challenges.
W Wallington, T., Bina, O., Thissen
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 27, 2007
Beyond techno-utopia and its discontents: On the role of utopianism and speculative fiction in shaping alternatives to the smart city imaginary
O Bina, A Inch, L Pereira
Futures 115, 102475, 2020
The future imagined: Exploring fiction as a means of reflecting on today’s Grand Societal Challenges and tomorrow’s options
O Bina, S Mateus, L Pereira, A Caffa
Futures 86, 166-184, 2017
Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research: finding the common ground of multi-faceted concepts
H Von Wehrden, MH Guimarães, O Bina, M Varanda, DJ Lang, B John, ...
Sustainability Science 14, 875-888, 2019
Humans, environment and economies: From vicious relationships to virtuous responsibility
O Bina, SG Vaz
Ecological Economics 72, 170-178, 2011
Sustainability assessment of future scenarios: methodology and application to mountain areas of Europe
WR Sheate, MR Partidário, H Byron, O Bina, S Dagg
Environmental management 41, 282-299, 2008
Strategic environmental assessment implementation in China—Five-year review and prospects
J Wu, IS Chang, O Bina, KC Lam, H Xu
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 31 (1), 77-84, 2011
Re-conceptualising Strategic Environmental Assessment: theoretical overview and case study from Chile
OC Bina
An inquiry into the concept of SEA effectiveness: Towards criteria for Chinese practice
O Bina, W Jing, L Brown, MR Partidário
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 31 (6), 572-581, 2011
Sustainability assessment for agriculture scenarios in Europe’s mountain areas: lessons from six study areas
MR Partidário, WR Sheate, O Bina, H Byron, B Augusto
Environmental Management 43, 144-165, 2009
Strategic Environmental Assessment
O Bina
Innovation in Environmental Policy?: Integrating the Environment for …, 2008
Strategic environmental assessment of hydrological and irrigation plans in Castilla y Leon, Spain
D Hedo, O Bina
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 19 (3), 259-273, 1999
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