Paul Venturelli
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Angler apps as a source of recreational fisheries data: opportunities, challenges and proposed standards
PA Venturelli, K Hyder, C Skov
Fish and Fisheries 18 (3), 578-595, 2017
The evolutionary legacy of size‐selective harvesting extends from genes to populations
S Uusi‐Heikkilä, AR Whiteley, A Kuparinen, S Matsumura, PA Venturelli, ...
Evolutionary applications 8 (6), 597-620, 2015
Fish growth and degree-days I: selecting a base temperature for a within-population study
KA Chezik, NP Lester, PA Venturelli
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71 (1), 47-55, 2014
Evidence for harvest-induced maternal influences on the reproductive rates of fish populations
PA Venturelli, BJ Shuter, CA Murphy
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1658), 919-924, 2009
Stock assessment in inland fisheries: a foundation for sustainable use and conservation
K Lorenzen, IG Cowx, REM Entsua-Mensah, NP Lester, JD Koehn, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 26, 405-440, 2016
Maternal influences on population dynamics: evidence from an exploited freshwater fish
PA Venturelli, CA Murphy, BJ Shuter, TA Johnston, ...
Ecology 91 (7), 2003-2012, 2010
Consistent patterns of maturity and density-dependent growth among populations of walleye (Sander vitreus): application of the growing degree-day metric
PA Venturelli, NP Lester, TR Marshall, BJ Shuter
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67 (7), 1057-1067, 2010
Technological innovations in the recreational fishing sector: implications for fisheries management and policy
SJ Cooke, P Venturelli, WM Twardek, RJ Lennox, JW Brownscombe, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 31, 253-288, 2021
Life-history plasticity and sustainable exploitation: a theory of growth compensation applied to walleye management
NP Lester, BJ Shuter, P Venturelli, D Nadeau
Ecological Applications 24 (1), 38-54, 2014
Smartphones Reveal Angler Behavior: A Case Study of a Popular Mobile Fishing Application in Alberta, Canada
JT Papenfuss, N Phelps, D Fulton, PA Venturelli
Fisheries 40 (7), 318-327, 2015
Invasive smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu): history, impacts, and control
GL Loppnow, K Vascotto, PA Venturelli
Manage Biol Invas 4 (3), 191-206, 2013
Aquatic invasive species in the Great Lakes region: An overview
LE Escobar, S Mallez, M McCartney, C Lee, DP Zielinski, R Ghosal, ...
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 26 (1), 121-138, 2018
Preparing for a changing future in recreational fisheries: 100 research questions for global consideration emerging from a horizon scan
PE Holder, AL Jeanson, RJ Lennox, JW Brownscombe, R Arlinghaus, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 30 (1), 137-151, 2020
Diet and growth of northern pike in the absence of prey fishes: initial consequences for persisting in disturbance-prone lakes
PA Venturelli, WM Tonn
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135 (6), 1512-1522, 2006
Insights into the users of a citizen science platform for collecting recreational fisheries data
C Gundelund, R Arlinghaus, H Baktoft, K Hyder, P Venturelli, C Skov
Fisheries Research 229, 105597, 2020
Fish growth and degree-days II: Selecting a base temperature for an among-population study.
KA Chezik, NP Lester, PA Venturelli
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71 (9), 1303-1311, 2014
Growing the biphasic framework: Techniques and recommendations for fitting emerging growth models
KL Wilson, AE Honsey, B Moe, P Venturelli
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (4), 822-833, 2018
Invertivory by northern pike (Esox lucius) structures communities of littoral macroinvertebrates in small boreal lakes
PA Venturelli, WM Tonn
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24 (4), 904-918, 2005
Life-history variation among four shallow-water morphotypes of lake trout from Great Bear Lake, Canada
L Chavarie, K Howland, P Venturelli, BC Kissinger, R Tallman, W Tonn
Journal of Great Lakes Research 42 (2), 193-203, 2016
Expert opinion on using angler Smartphone apps to inform marine fisheries management: status, prospects, and needs
C Skov, K Hyder, C Gundelund, A Ahvonen, J Baudrier, T Borch, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 (3), 967-978, 2021
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