Kiri Kuroda
Kiri Kuroda
Sonstige Namen黒田 起吏
Center for Adaptive Rationality, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
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Zitiert von
The perception of spontaneous and volitional laughter across 21 societies
GA Bryant, DMT Fessler, R Fusaroli, E Clint, D Amir, B Chávez, ...
Psychological science 29 (9), 1515-1525, 2018
You watch my back, I'll watch yours: Emergence of collective risk monitoring through tacit coordination in human social foraging
K Kuroda, T Kameda
Evolution and Human Behavior 40 (5), 427-435, 2019
Behavioral and neuro-cognitive bases for emergence of norms and socially shared realities via dynamic interaction
K Kuroda, Y Ogura, A Ogawa, T Tamei, K Ikeda, T Kameda
Communications Biology 5 (1), 1379, 2022
Majority rule can help solve difficult tasks even when confident members opt out to serve individual interests
K Kuroda, M Takahashi, T Kameda
Scientific reports 13 (1), 14836, 2023
Investor's pessimistic and false belief about trustworthiness and stake size in trust decision
K Kuroda, Y Kamijo, T Kameda
Japanese Psychological Research 63 (2), 85-94, 2021
Bilateral (but not unilateral) interaction creates and cements norms at the covert psychophysical level: A behavioral and an fMRI study
K Kuroda, Y Ogura, A Ogawa, T Tamei, K Ikeda, T Kameda
PsyArXiv, 2020
Individual differences in speed–accuracy trade-off drive human group dynamics
K Kuroda, AN Tump, R Kurvers
OSF, 2024
Halo effect of faces and bodies: Cross-cultural similarities and differences between German and Japanese observers
TL Kordsmeyer, D Freund, A Ueshima, K Kuroda, T Kameda, L Penke
Personality Science 5, 27000710241257814, 2024
Halo-Effekte bei Gesichtern und Körpern: inter-kulturelle Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen deutschen und japanischen Beobachter* innen
T Kordsmeyer-Storp, D Freund, A Ueshima, K Kuroda, T Kameda, ...
Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling 65 (4), 589-590, 2023
Majority rule can help groups solve difficult tasks even when confident members opt out to serve individual interests
K Kuroda, M Takahashi, T Kameda
Kordsmeyer et al.(preprint) Halo effect of faces and bodies: Cross-cultural similarities and differences between German and Japanese observers
TL Kordsmeyer, D Freund, A Ueshima, K Kuroda, T Kameda, L Penke
PsyArXiv, 2022
Inequality biases third-party evaluation of decision-making for others
K Kuroda, Y Saito
Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science 12 (2), 34-38, 2021
Redistribution experiment
K Kuroda, M Takahashi
OSF, 2020
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Artikel 1–13